Feb 25, 2005 01:35
Not added to my LJ recently as I’ve not been up to much. Really want to go out boozing but smoky environments leave my old battered lungs gasping for breath these days. Might try Black Catz this weekend though.
Anyway, a big thanx to Nicky for the following:
·lurvly washing machine, which is skill,
·shiny etched Dinosaur Jr CD which I have fondled carefully lots, and
·director’s cut Bladerunner DVD.
Other news, have got myself an interview for a job with the Inland Revenue after intentionally trying to avoid one. It used to be that a deliberate error on an application form would do the trick. Not anymore I fear. The job itself is appalling and the salary is truly pathetic. I don’t know how they [not really sure who they are?] expect people to survive on such low wages in the civil service and the like. You’ve either got to live with your parents or combine your income with your partner’s if you have one. It’s great working over 35 hours a week for the Man just to keep your head above the poverty level. If I have to struggle with poverty, I would rather not work for the trouble!
Anyway what else has caught my critical eye recently? Ah yes the fox hunting / Countryside Alliance malarkey. I know hunting is a divisive issue and people feel strongly about it on both sides. Personally I can’t believe that a species that considers itself ‘civilized’ and which bangs on about how ‘advanced’ it is thinks it appropriate to hunt another [inferior] species simply for pleasure, because let’s face it, hunting foxes on horseback accompanied by hounds is not really about culling or pest control, is it sports fans? If there is an omnipotent one out there, I’m sure it didn’t put us here to hunt foxes for pleasure. Or did it? Maybe omnipotent one doesn’t like foxes and we are passing the civilization test really!
Talking about the civilization test, did anybody watch the documentary on C4 the other night about a film crew that followed a defence attorney as he set about defending a 15-year-old black kid charged with 1st degree murder in Miami? I think it was called something like ‘Murder on Sunday Morning’. It was scary stuff. The police claimed the kid had shot an elderly white female tourist dead during an armed robbery. Their evidence, the kid was identified by the 70-year-old husband of the victim and, after being arrested and allegedly beaten up, he confessed to the crime. They had no gun, no other eyewitnesses, no real motive, and the kid did not match the husband’s initial description given to the police [other than he was black]. The accused had no prior convictions of any sort and had never been seen with a gun in his life. He also had a strong alibi placing him at his family home at the time of the killing. The police interviewed no one and barely investigated the case. When a local person handed in a bloodied purse the day after the killing, the police had a problem. It was not included as evidence by the prosecution because it was found in a dumpster 9 miles away from the crime scene [the kid did not drive] and it still had a large sum of money in it. Anyway the kid was cleared and the police eventually checked the purse again and found a fingerprint, which later allowed them to convict the killer [another black person but oddly matching the eyewitness’s initial description: a 6’ something man aged between 25-30]. What was really frightening was the judge declared that the kid’s acquittal proved that the American justice system was the best in the world. Not sure if the Hispanic or the African-American communities, amongst others, would entirely agree with that analysis.
Anyway, time for bed. I’m off to Totnes tomorrow to watch upper middle-class hippies in the market.
Ps getting excited, I’ve just purchase these items on e-bay and am now awaiting their arrival with much excrement:
Dinosaur Jr - first album on CD
Violent Femmes - first album on CD
Sonic Youth - Goo album on CD