Oct 17, 2004 00:38
Bad end to the week. Catherine ordered pizza last night, vegetarian hot one. Fat guts here tucked greedily into the first slice and was about to start on the second when I noticed suspicious adornments on the remaining bits. Yes friends, I'm referring to meat. Not just any old meat either, I'm talking beef. Not placed on the top of the pizza you understand, but actually hidden nicely under layers of melted cheese. I became a veggie about 16 years ago and the only time I have eaten meat in this period was when a friend placed ham on the base of a pizza, piled crap on top and then told me it was veggie [and then told me that it would do me good after I had eaten half it and discovered her indiscretion]. Am very gutted about this current thing, especially as I was ill last night with gut rot. Oddly enough, I can't remember what meat tastes like but the pizza tasted no better or no worse than normal. I simple didn't taste an additional flavour which begs the question, do meat eaters really notice the difference if meat is added to curries and the like? Just curious about this really. What makes this worse is that the night before was Catherine's b'day and we ordered a take-out from veggie perrins. As we were tucking in to it, I mentioned that the beauty about eating a curry from veggie perrins is that if they give you the wrong order, it's still gonna be veggie. And the moral of the story is.....