Dec 28, 2003 14:45
Another chrimbo over thankfully. Actually this one wasn’t so bad since my family now live in Scotland, giving me a good excuse not to attend. Also glad that I wasn’t stuck somewhere like the Nowhere or Pentyre, that would have been a real bum-hoofer. Even though I put on my best scrooge performance yet [no cards or presents for anybody], Nicky still couldn’t resist buying me a few goodies. Was very much impressed by the Fellowship extended dvd and the bottle of Plymouth Gin. Thanx mate, much appreciated [ps am chuffed that you’re back safe and sound].
Another pressy was MUFC being top of the pile for Chrimbo; ya just can’t keep quality down sports fans. Had to impress upon Cup Cake that Leeds are still goin’ down. Sorry mate!
All apologies to Jizz for not attending his b’day extravaganza at the Nohope Inn [oh let me think, let’s surprise ourselves, where can we go for a drink tonight?]. The thought of seeing the usual suspects again [Cunty Balls, Textin Tiff, Crusty the Clown and Side Show Nutter etc] having just seen them on Chrimbo Eve just didn’t make me moist and the late offer of a curry by Pikey was a clear winner, even though it turned out to be so hot, it burnt the pubes on my nads. Spoke to Jizz the next day and he was ok about it. He had fun and he’s got used to GMT anyway [Glenn Maybe Time, for those who don’t know]. Think I will be avoiding the Nopoint Inn on New Years Eve also. Don’t think my lungs were designed to survive long in the chamber of farts.
Oh, some good news just in, I’ve managed to do half my soddin’ dishes. It’s taken me 3 weeks to even attempt them, the fuckers. My life just wasn’t meant to be labour intensive. Don’t know how I’m gonna adapt to a 37-hour week.
Anyway, things I might need to address in 2004
Leaky roof
Leaky lungs
Leaky creditors
Leaky girlfriends, and
Gainful employment [?]