[ Card Post ] Wild Fantasy

Jun 07, 2010 04:21

Player: Siouxsie
Country: Kiseki
Card Worth: 194

&trading info;
!to trade comment here, e-mail tranquilsquall[at]gmail[dot]com, or use the forums.
I'm on LJ/g-mail daily so even if I get behind in updating my TCG posts, I'll still answer your trade promptly!

★ current decks ♪ lavender, cherries, hold on
★ future decks ♪ 100decks*, angelic, assistance, atashi*, azure*, chobits opening, chobits ending, chobits tradecard*, close to you, crown*, drowning, fan book*, floating, good morning, hold on, my own happiness, other me*, prejoin*, seraph*, sitting*, sketches*, starlit plushie, version two*, version three*, with you, your embrace
(* = special deck)¤t decks;◄ somewhere 20»20

◄ hold on 10»20

◄ cherries 02»20

◄ lavender 02»10

&future decks;

Special (Worth 2):





&trading decks;

Special (Worth 2):

&pending decks;In order to prevent cards from eternal limbo, all trade offers last for 7 days. If I haven't moved them back to my deck, but the week has passed, feel free to make an offer.

for lavender06 (lyuri); offered 08/05--will be cancelled 08/12

for lavender09 (yujing); offered 08/05--will be cancelled 08/12

KISEKI donations (resets September 1):

September 4, 2010
★ daily chance sunandmoon11.

September 2, 2010
★ vbunny's birthday regularchoicex2.

August 22, 2010
★ traded my omura08, membercard for chibinaoka's cherries05, membercard. (27)

August 19, 2010
★ freebies 2010back2school, 2010back2school2, 2010vday.
★ daily chance regularchoice.

August 10, 2010
★ somewhere mastery holdon03, holdon04, payment18, pleasehelp15, mage09, escudo.
★ daily chance loveinbloom13, frigidsky15.
★ coupon exchange somewhere03, somewhere05.

August 9, 2010
★ biweekly tradepost my ironchef04, hopeintwowings06, vesionone05 for tradepost's closetoyou05, crown03, versiontwo06.

August 8, 2010
★ traded my red12 for kahare's somewhere10. (26)

August 7, 2010
★ level up (two) somewhere14, somewhere19, somewhere20, fairytale17, daidouji20, chiireads17, punish18, littlecat07, goldfeather.
★ stamp board chobitstradecard08, feather, escudo.
★ traded my ryuuzaki05 for elizabeth's angelic11. (25)
★ daily chance wonderland04, brokeher04.
★ too close rainyday03, plum14, mxcregular, feather.
★ tune in thefly13, genius15.
★ differences careless12, protector17, feather.
★ destined angelic13, puu18, feather, feather.
★ mokona hunt (madoki) mxcregular, mashin02.
★ matchmaker blue11, protector16.
★ lovedoctor escudo.
★ clampia nexttime19, sobeautiful08, txcregular, feather.

August 6, 2010
★ daily chance afternoonpiano12.

August 5, 2010
★ puzzled nexttime04, omura08.
★ daily chance myownhappiness12, bestowmagic20.
★ update somewhere17, feather.
★ clow's creations yellow15, mother03, bluesky08, escudo.
★ kiseki (july) 3 special coupons, 3 regular coupons, whiterabbit14, meetmeiling11, afternoonpiano16, 2010july, 2010july2.
★ +20 ef (july) special choice, regular choice.

August 3, 2010
★ birthdaycard: trcopeningone04, oceanbreeze11, transfer13, candles08, regularcoupon (any)
★ daily chance feather.
★ freebies intotheocean03, meetcaldina03, seashrine03, selicerevived03, elemental03, ourcafe03, mysticflowers03, yourembrace03, starlitplushie03, cherries03.

July 25, 2010
★ daily chance trcopeningone19.
★ matchmaker: niceguy08, sunandmoon16.
★ crossover: alegend04, hopeintowings06, blacksteel01, escudo, escudo.
★ love doctor: ccsopeningone12, feather.
★ clampia: chess16, imyoursnow20, mxcregular, escudo.
★ warzone(win): chess16, escudo.
★ puzzled: blue20, puu16.
★ mixedprofiles: zephyr09, mxcregular, 2 escudo.
★ differences: imyoursnow07, hopeintowings06, escudo.
★ mokona hunt (mokona): blacksteel17, afternoonpiano13.
★ tune in: therain03, thefly09.
★ destined: friendlyaria03, blue03, 2 escudo.
★ 108 secrets: ryuuzaki05, kiddo04, feather.
★ voted: detour14, illprotecthim16, escudo.

July 21, 2010
★ daily chance withyou13.

July 18, 2010
★ dimension (2nd) illprotecthim07, sitting03, 1 choicespecial, 2 feathers.
★ icon contest (1st) 2 choicespecial, 3 choiceregular, gold curency.
★ trendy (2nd) red12, fatedmeeting12, nadeshiko08, 1 choicespecial, 1 escudo, 1 feather.
★ kiseki goodies careless12, mxcregular, destined10.

July 17, 2010
★ freebies 2010july4th, 2010july4th2, 2010stpattysday2, bodyguard10, tsukuyomi05, nadeshiki02, azure05, ironchef04.

July 6, 2010
★ freebies 50members03.
★ freebies 2010summer, 2010summer2, 2010stpattysday, brokeher15, chiireads10, greetings10, seraph03, versionthree04.
★ daily chance txcregular.

June 20, 2010
★ traded: my fierce11, red11 for kahare's drowning20, holdon18. (23-24)

June 17, 2010
★ trade my savecephiro15 for reno's somewhere04. (22)

June 17, 2010
★ trade my chess13, chess16, primrose01, genius11, red11, red20, therain18 for lauren liz' assistance17, drowning09, holdon02, holdon05, holdon14, somewhere06, somewhere13, somewhere18. (15-21)

June 15, 2010
★ trade my destined10, pillar04 for sasura uchiha's chobitsending04, drowning16, floating07, holdon20. (11-14)
★ biweekly tradepost my wonderfulfreefa1l15 for chobitsopening16.

June 14, 2010
★ trade my thankyou07, thankyou08, tomorrowknows03, membercard for mousey's somewhere11, somewhere15, somewhere16, membercard. (8-10)
★ erase bluesky15, ccsopeningtwo17.
★ puzzled savecephiro15, darknight12.
★ warzone(win) callingout11, blacksteel20.
★ matchmaker blacksteel03, protector20.
★ lovedoctor fierce11, red11.
★ tunein closetoyou14, amilucky07.
★ puzzlemaster01 blacksteel09, creation02.
★ puzzlemaster02 wonderfulfreefall15, creation13.
★ puzzlemaster03 friendlyaria09, ccsopeningone08.
★ puzzlemaster04 pillar04, versionone05, mxcspecial, goldfeather.
★ puzzlemaster(bonus) destined10, 1 regularchoice .

June 13, 2010
★ trade my judge12, judge15 for vy's lavender05. (6-7)

June 11, 2010
★ trade my favoritedaughter09, membercard for sasura uchiha's somewhere01, membercard. (5)

June 10, 2010
★ trade my fierce12, hime13, membercard for kahare's holon06, holdon17, membercard. (3-4)
★ trade my reallylikeyou03 & hold13 for lunix' judge12 & judge15. (1-2)
★ update somewhere08, somewhere09.

June 8, 2010
★ erase thankyou08, red20.
★ differences holdon13, thankyou07, escudo.
★ chiispattern landlady10, reallylikeyou03, feather.
★ mokona hunt (mokona) hime13, therain18, escudo.
★ mixedprofiles tomorrowknows03, jobsearch12, red11, feather.
★ 108secrets genius11, primrose01, mxcregular, escudo.
★ episodemath butterfly01, mxcregular, feather.

June 7, 2010
★ starter pack somewhere02, somewhere07, somewhere12, picnic17, puu11, favoritedaughter09, punish05, lavender10.
★ puzzled fierce12, teddybear02.
★ matchmaker callingout10, tomorrowknows16.
★ lovedoctor niceguy06.
★ tune in holdon13, chess16.
★ lost voice chess13, sun07.
there used to be a graying tower alone on the sea
you became the light on the dark side of me


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