Ignorance is bliss. - Web Browsers

Feb 10, 2012 13:04

Question first: What web brwoser do you usually use?
At the moment my favorite topic to think about (well, outside of fandom^^) are web browsers. I HATE THEM ALL.
Nowadays you're able to creat your own web design wherever you are for personal blogs and communities like here on LJ, Tumblr, wordpress and so on ... And I know I already spend hours and days to make it look good - the way I think it looks good while learning the whole html and css stuff.
I hop around the world being happy about what I did ... and then I see the same page with a different browser and am like ".... nooo ... that's not how it was supposed to look like O.o"
= You find some buttons at a totally different place or they are gone, there are different gaps, the paragraph is wrong and so on and so on. Happens with Google Chrome quite often.
Also looking at the gifs - it's a whole chaos. Internet Explorer slows them, Opera halts them on some pages. With Google Chrome the buttons are sometimes gone but it's fine with gifs, IE isn't good with gifs but most often has the best web design ... not always, on tumblr it doens't work the way it should. Firefox - I haven't really looked at this one yet but just to give you an idea about what I'm talking about:
A simple "dotted" input and it looks different wherever I go. (and that's only the beginning)

Ridiculous. I don't want to raise hell here, it's just because I spend so much time on things that always look different. What's so hard about developing a Browser that simply works the way it should work.

OT: They should invite Oguri Shun for every Himitsu no Arashi-chan episode with Mannequin 5 ... - .... hilarious XDDD ... though I wouldn't want to miss the combo with Kasahara Hideyuki - totally love him.^^ I can't believe I was afraid of him the wholetime while watching Juui Dolittle XDDD ... Well, maybe not inviting them EVERY time, it's also fine with other guests ... but those two ... *sigh* ♥♥♥

thoughts, oguri shun, *expletive deleted*, kasahara hideyuki, community

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