... I feel so exhausted. So I took the day off. Not that I normally have anything to do, just learning, but today I just couldn't.
Weekend was like the worst ever. I spent the whole day at the library looking out of the window, waiting for something to happen. But nothing did happen. I had the best view for the helicopter landing site BUT nothing happened. The whole 2 days.
(well, it was the helipad of the hospital, so maybe it's good that nothing happened ... ... ... yes ....)
Actually I wrote a whole 14 points post there. On paper. And not in English but I feel too lazy to translate it. But it's for this journal. Not that there's anything special in it. Because my life is sooo boring. >.<
Next week is the exam week. Which means working while being watched every day from 8 am to 4:30 pm without any break and I still don't know anything about that topic -.-
Gnaaah... I need something more funny in here.
*starting happy-machine again*
I worked through tumblr and found a lot of great gifs. I think I have to retire from making some myself XD Seriously, there are some gifs I could watch the whole time, giggling around.
(and this is just a random selection ^^ )
credits to I-don't-know-who but everyone of you made my life a bit better^^
And I'm fine again. XD And I will write this 14 points post asap.^^