Jul 03, 2011 09:08
...well, I was just retracing some old trails.
And it just so happens that some snot dissed Talislanta. I snarked back. The snot retorted that if I'm a fan of a twenty-year-old game, I must therefore be absolutely ancient.
I almost wish I'd bothered to backtrack that thread when it was new and fresh. There would have been some point to telling said snot that if she(?) thinks anyone over twenty is old, she probably still sucks her thumb.
Then again, the kid's logic was asinine anyway: How does it at all follow that a fan of a game has necessarily been playing it since its earliest incarnation? I'd have been altogether too tempted to take the opportunity to jab at the sort of electronic gamer who badmouths pen-and-paper RPGs: After all, it's not as if they're real nerds, or anything...
nerds are embarrassing,
tabletop roleplay