Back from the convention!

Feb 23, 2011 01:00

I came away with a new game system (or a new take on an old one), some OGL resources, a new battlemat, a steampunk t-shirt, and more time talking shop with the industry pros.  Yeah, I had to buy a new camera, and we didn't have as much money as I'd have liked, and the swimming pool at the hotel is not up to spec yet, and I got cornered and had my ear talked off at one point.  But overall, it went well.

But, go figure:  I come back home, go to check my sites, and run across this piece of steaming bullshit.

Seriously: what the fuck.  Yes, "guild princesses" like that annoy me (although I should probably state that they don't appear to be nearly as common as people seem to believe), but the male character's behavior is far worse.  And yet, we're supposed to sympathize with him or believe that he's in the right.

Fuck.  That.  Noise.

Not that most of the guys who say shit like "shut up and go back to Cooking Mama" to gamer chicks would actually have the stones to say it in meatspace as opposed to online.  Someone would at very least spit in their eye for it (and rightly so).

bullshit!, rant, happy happy joy joy, nerds are embarrassing, nerdrage, whiskey tango foxtrot?, mood whiplash, humans suck

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