Sep 02, 2009 18:08
Madame Savon Bleu's latest Sue spawned cross-gender fraternal twins, then died in a dramatic fashion and was mourned by everyone. Could it get any more blatant? (There was also a draenei vindicator mentioned in passing. Let's just say that I've got my guesses as to who he is.)
She also-even after what she pulled-has had the temerity to talk to me on the official forums as if we're buddies. Grrrrrr.
And speaking of draenei and the official's one thing to disagree with the various "draenei threads" there. Trolling them, or jumping in and flaming people, is another matter...and it's complete bullshit. That is all.
And no, I don't play female draenei just to watch the /waggle. I play them because, even without much in the way of lore, draenei are friggin' awesome. Plus, they've got physical features in common with two Horde races that I like, and a third race that I think ought to be playable. (As to why females? Please see my info page. I didn't feel comfortable playing male characters until fairly recently.)
fan fiction,
tall blues,
world of warcraft