First, the good: I've never been particularly interested in buying adoptables until
this awesome artist decided to make some. (Seriously: she's awesome, and her art is awesome. Check out her gallery.)
Yes, it was ponies. I still refuse to identify myself as a pegasister (although, coincidentally, it was a pegasus-an adorable curly-maned pegasus who gives me this "
team mom" vibe-I grabbed). Even so: I believe I'm going to have to start attempting to draw again.
Now, on an entirely separate note:
There was an image I found on a certain imageboard. While I will not dignify it with a link, I can see two possibilities as to what was going through its creator's head: The first is that he's outright trolling. The second is that he actually thought he was simultaneously making a witty, controversial piece of religious/political satire and referencing a crossover hit.
If it's the latter, well...let's just say that he must be rather sheltered: It was vulgar, puerile crap that-at least as far as I'm concerned-raised more questions about him than about its alleged subject matter. Worse yet, it didn't even look like anything equine, much less the cast of said crossover hit.