Dear little fanwad at the Awful Forums:

Sep 27, 2011 18:07

It sounds to me like you would prefer to be playing a stereotypical K-MMO.  Might I suggest...well, any given one?

In short: no.  If you like one-gender races or every female character running around butt-nekkid, please go play TERA instead of saying shit like "herp derp remove male draenei...and remove pants on female draenei, too."  Male draenei are freakin' awesome (the females are prettyweird, but could probably stand to be further into the "weird" side of that) and there's enough skimpy armor in WoW already.

TL, DR:  Draenei are fine (at least as far as design goes; story is another matter); l2p.  Also, you're creepy.

whiskey tango foxtrot?, trigger warning, nerds are embarrassing, all wow forums are a bad joke, tall blues, world of warcraft

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