Dear incredibly tedious mage:

Aug 18, 2011 16:17

STFU.  You are beginning to come off as a troll.  And not the sort that one finds in the Echo Isles, either; more like the sort that one finds in Stonefield.

Considering the circumstances, I hope you find it especially insulting that I compared you to a Rift troll (although I'm sure you've never gotten to Stonefield):  After all, even if the thread isn't about Rift, you feel the need to jump in and preach to all and sundry about how Rift is an abomination unto Blizzard dull/bland/generic/booooooooooring.

News flash, kid:  No one cares how much you hate Rift.  Even if anyone cared the first time you whined, we'd have stopped caring by the twentieth.  It's not Rift, or any given game, that's boring; it's you who are an unspeakable bore.

But you don't stop at that.  You also lie through your teeth in order to make the game sound bad, or at least unequivocally inferior to WoW.  (But oh, no, you're not a fanboy; perish the thought!)  Hell, considering your complaints about the eponymous rifts, I think you're lying about being "bored."  You had someone open a tear on top of you one too many times (I would not be surprised if this was a deliberate attempt to distract you from bitching in chat about the color palette, or about how you can't tell a bahmi from a high elf, or about how Freemarch looks too much like some Midwestern state that you've probably never visited), got frustrated, and ragequit.

P.S.:  You're playing a pre-BC Alliance race, and you're kvetching about the lack of variety in Rift races, really?  Cast-iron pot, meet slightly verdigrised copper kettle; were you really that butthurt that Rift doesn't have Kewpie dolls gnomes?  Race-change to draenei or worgen (preferably worgen, for the buggy model) or be quiet.

rift: planes of telara, fandumb, nerds are embarrassing, all wow forums are a bad joke, qq moar, world of warcraft

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