Sep 02, 2004 19:29
I just watched Return of the King for like the 23rd time and still balled my eyes out.
That movie takes all the emotion from the previous 6 plus hours and rushes it all back to you. The last hour somehow conjures excitement and despair, sadness and elation all at once. UGH! I love it.
Anyway, my boss was fired yesterday.
Here's the whole story:
Last year, 'round November, I started working at both Suncoast and Sears at the local mall here. Whoo boy, I loved me some 16 hour days. After the holidays, I quit Sears because it sucked. But, I've continued to work happily at Suncoast because, I mean come on... it's toys and DVDs. There have been some rough times with lack of hours and such, but we've managed. In April I was even promoted to Key holder status. Floor manager, as it were.
Todd was the manager, Eric his assistant. And I have been third in command.
So, for the past couple months Todd has been kind of slacking...
He would come in late, leave early. Take really, really long lunch breaks... Have bad excuses as to why he was late, and so on. His staff, myself included, had been getting really tired of it. I didn't even enjoy working with the guy anymore, because he was so not into it anymore. He just wasn't a good manager. Say, if I were to do well during the day... get people signed up for our replay membership... sell Entertainment weekly subscriptions... would I get a "Nice work!" or "Good job!" Nope, it was more along the lines of "Hey, thanks for doing your job." The guy could be a real dick. Plus, he was a closet homosexual, but that's really besides the point.
He would say things to me like "I'm not gonna get fired because you guys aren't doing your jobs" And so on if our numbers were low. That's not a way to manage people. Negative energies, man. Bad medicine. Todd was sick of this job and knew it, so a couple weeks ago he let the crew and his bosses know that he would be moving to New York at the end of October.
So. Last thursday, Eric came in at 1 and Todd left for his lunch break. An hour later, he called saying he had to run some errands and would be back a bit later. He came back 2 and a half hours later. Eric was steamed. I mean, here we are - actually doing our jobs and working hard, while he's out doing god knows what and getting paid for it. Paid way more than I'm getting paid, mind you.
Todd finally came back like anhour before he clocked out to leave for the day. And when he did, Eric wrote a letter about what's been going on with todd and faxed it to the district manager, Louise. Later that night, they called Eric and told him that "things would be taken care of." All Eric really wanted was for them to talk with Todd.
A few days ago, I'm working with Eric. Paul, our REGIONAL manager, who's the boss's boss's boss... called. He told Eric to show up on Wednesday morning, Eric's day off, in uniform. It would be the next time Todd were to open the store. Eric's like "Ok.."
He and I were like "Whoa."
I was due in yesterday at 1. I showed up about 12:30, to scope things out... I cruised the parking lot and didn't see Todd's car. Eek! Then, I go inside and walk by the store and see that Eric is there and so is Louise. Eek! I go in, and she confirmed it. "Todd no longer works for the company. I talked with her outside for a bit, and she told me that Eric and I would still have to interview for the positions, but most likely he and I would both be moved up.
After she left, I was talking to eric and he told me what exactly happened.
He came at 10, like he was supposed to. Did the same thing I did, cruised the parking lot and didn't see Todd's car. So he was like "Oh, jeeze. Eithere he's already fired or not here yet..."
Eric enters the mall and sees our gate is still down and the lights are still off. Granted, we're supposed to open at 10 am. He also sees Paul, the big boss, sitting on the bench outside the store. The Fed Ex guy was there too, leaving packages at the door. Paul talked to him, and aparently this was a usual thing. Todd was always late.
Eric opened the store, and 10 minutes after 10, Todd walks in and sees Eric and is like "Hey, what are you doing here?"
Paul then catches Todd by surprise and is like "I asked him to be here." And then proceeds to take Todd to the back room. Five minutes later, Todd walks out and asks if he has anyhing up front and leaves. That was that.
SO. What does all this mean for me? Hours galore and a pay raise. Me likey.
Fare well, Todd!