Jan 06, 2004 00:26
Well, Everyone! My good FRIEND Derek was so very right about this movie. If Jim Carrey doesn't win a academy award for this fucking movie I will hate the low life people that vote for the academy. This movie is going to start a evolution of great up-coming new ones. The part of the movie where Jim says to kate as they were sitting down eating on the beach (and kate stole jim's food without jim saying yes or no) Jim replies to kate's question " this is going to be the last time we see each other, what are we going to do now?" Jim answer back saying something so simple it is uplifting that i was about to cry me a river lol so back to what jim was going to say before i got sidetracked my Justin Timberlake:( Jims mouths utters like a genius " ENJOY IT "!!!! That was so powerful.... How we make so many mistakes, How we bitch and complain about what we don't have and what we so much desire.. how we are so foolish as americans. Then a man believes that he can steal something so dear from someone or some person. How we believe we are so like gods and we are nothing in the real gods eyes. This script is about love and hate nothing and everything! This script can change a persons outlook in life and even in just the simple words you stop and think FUckkkkkkkkKKKKKKK Charlie Kaufman, Michel Gondry and Pierre Bismuth (the Writers) are amazing individuals. Now these are the great movies that Hollywood should make (other than Horror movies lol) so I leave my so few audience with these simple word GO FUCKING SEE THE FUCKING MOVIE!! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE READING THIS BOWL SHIT THAT A FUCKING 20 YEAR OLD MID-ADULT WROTE??? YOU SHOULD BE AT THE THEATER WATCHING THE FUCKING MOVIE ")WHAT ARE YOU DOING SITTING ON YOUR BIG FAT ASS: GET UP" :NOW: HURRY BEFORE SOME JEWS GET TOGETHER AND THINK THAT MEL GIBSON DIRECTED THIS MOVIE AND TAKE IT OFF THE THEATERS SO HURRY DAMN IT tHOSE JEWS ARE CRAZY LOL "( THE WORLD IS GOING TO END"( SO BEFORE KOREANS AND RUSSIAN AND BIN LADEN GET TOGETHER AND KILL US ALL!@# GO SEE THE !@@$% MOVIE AND DIED IN HAPPINESS BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT THIS MOVIE GAVE ME :)
LOVE The SweenSTer
P.S Now do be sending me any viruses because of the jew, Russian, and Bin Laden thing