Title(s): "A Human Reaction" and "Die Me, Dichotomy"
Setting/Spoilers: John/Aeryn relationship...Interlude 1 is set somewhere in the episode "A Human Reaction", interlude 2, similarly, is set somewhere in the episode "Die Me, Dichotomy". If you've not seen those episodes then there is a spolier warning!
Rating: The lowest possible...is that U??
Disclaimer: I own nothing, the Jim Henson crew own it all.
I'm not too familiar with posting on livejournal (even though I have been a member for goodness knows how long!) so the 2 short interludes can be found at my journal
Hope you enjoy; they are both really short. Comments are really appreciated as I would like to know if it's worth doing more of these for more episodes. I'm currently midway through season 3 but I know the John/Aeryn relationship gets more intense the further we go through season 4 (: