Farscape Weekly Update for 20 December 2010

Dec 22, 2010 00:20

I'm sure I've missed some items since LJ won't go back further than early December, so leave link in comments and I will add them. Thanks!

Comics News
- #14 now on sale
- kradical links to a review of #14

- WIP Ch 3 by tassosss
- Loaners by troyswann (Rated G)
- Aeryn's Journey #31 - Katratzi Interlude by nymeria-55
- From The Sky by virkatjol (Farscape/Legend of the Seeker crossover; rated NC17)
- Wedding by virkatjol (Rated PG)
- SOS by laytoncolt (Rated PG)

Ficathons and Fic Challenges
nothing this week

- 1 icon (multifandom post) by juliet316
- 94 icons by john-scorpy
- 34 icons by nebari-rebel

Icons and Fanart Challenges
nothing this week

nothing this week

nothing this week

- het_reccers latest challenge includes Farscape

Everything else!
- from ladycallie: the wormhole weapon from PKW is up for free on eBay
- birthday picspam for Ben Browder by kazbaby

farscape_weekly is always open for comment. How is this format working for you? Have an interesting link I missed? Prefer not to have your link up here? Please drop us a line at fsweekly@gmail.com or comment on this post for any and all of the above.
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