Farscape Weekly Update for 4 October 2010

Oct 04, 2010 20:13

Comics News
- general info on Farscape #12 (only vague spoilers) from kradical
- kradical's October appearances promoting Farscape comics

- Touched By Darkness by nymeria-55 (Rated PG; set after PKW, spoilers for entire series)
- Aeryn's Journey - Prayer by nymeria-55 (Rated PG)
- The Minor Art of Politesse: A Vignette by nebari_rebel (Farscape/Deep Space 9 crossover; Rated PG-13)

Ficathons & Fic Challenges
nothing this week

- 40 icons, 82 icons and 63 icons by regularamanda
- 20 icons, Farscape/The Hunger Games crossover wallpaper, and 20 icons by thisisagift
- 20 Sikozu icons (multifandom post) by 17tvfreek
- 20 icons (multifandom post) by shadowsong_13
- picspam and icons of 4x22 "Bad Timing" by book232
- Life Ain't Always Beautiful picspam by da_angel729
- 100 icons by jenniferjensen
- Something About Us picspam by erendisblack
- 20 icons by mark-pierre
- Starlight picspam by aetenae
- Retro Farscape posters by dealanexmachina
- 4 icons (multifandom post) by hariboo-smirks
- 7 icons (multifandom post) by scifi-tv-addict
- 3 icons by stolenglimpse

Icons & Fanart Challenges
- at fs_icontest entries for challenge 66: PKW are due by tomorrow (Tue 5 Oct)

nothing this week

- Farscape meme Day 1 and Day 2 by thisisagift
- regularamanda has finished S3 and also does Farscape meme

- tiaras4tatas is planning to auction Farscape related items to raise funds for the Susan B. Komen Foundation. Join or follow for more details.
- new icon community: claudiaicons
- new multi SF TV fandom icon contest: wts_icontest

Everything Else!
- from octobre124 for all Seattle/Tacoma, Washington (USA) Farscape fans: October 23 come watch Farscape vids to choose winners for The Broken Heart awards

farscape_weekly is always open for comment. How is this format working for you? Have an interesting link I missed? Prefer not to have your link up here? Please drop us a line at fsweekly@gmail.com or comment on this post for any and all of the above.
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