Challenge 011: What a Doll!

Jul 31, 2011 19:02

Name of Challenge: What a Doll!
Type of Contest: Misc
Further Details:

Pick one of the following character generators and recreate a Farscape character! Have fun with it - we're not judging which is a most perfect replica, you get points as long as its recognizable or you can justify your interpretation.

My Little Pony Creator
South Park character generator
The Simpsomaker
HeroMachine Superhero Generator
Scott Pilgrim avatar creator
Lunaii Dollmaker
Face Your Manga

If you know of a site similar to these but not listed here, comment with it and we'll include it.

How to submit:

Screen cap or save your finished product and comment with it below. If it's a large cap, please just leave the link. Comments will not be screened - we want everyone to see what you come up with! (Though if you really wants your screened, just let a mod know.) You only get points for one but you're welcome to do as many as you want, if you just want to show off.

Participation Points: 15 +1 for sig tag = 16 total
Voting (Y/N): N
Sig Tag/Team Icon Points (Y/N): Y
Due Date/Time: August 10 at 8 PM CST
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