Mar 05, 2009 09:48
Wow so finally finally getting over the last bits of my most recent attempt at romance. This whole falling for someone thing sucks sometimes. Not going through the juicy details suffice to say I had to wait for my heart to catch up to my mind in the fact that things were over. Sheesh all this crud because my id would not let go. Finally though I think I'm getting good, still a bit hurty but my outlook is once again brightening up. I hope to be good to go by the spring time, I'm really looking forward to a decent cookout. I'm also gonna work on expanding my circle of friends, its my way of dipping my toes in the water. In order to stay (or get) open minded I'd like to know more folks out in the bay area. Break out of the comfort zone so to say. There is like all these folks I know by name only, time to say more than hi and stuff and gives me the perfect opportunity to scrub off any bitterness that may be wanting to cling to me, I'm leaving that baggage at the station. :)
*deeep breath* Okay on to the next adventure.
P.S Thanks Roma! You're the bestest of friends for listening! :D