They just downgraded Pluto from Planet to "Dwarf Planet".
That's dumb.
1. Does Pluto orbit the sun?
2. Does it have a moon or other natural satellite?
3. Has it ever gone spinning out into outer space on its' own?
If 1 and 2 are a "yes", it's a Planet.
If 3 are a "yes", it's not.
Yes, I know that my definition opens the door to hundreds of possible additions to the solar system's cast list of planets, but that's ok. It won't hurt kids to strain a little to learn extra planets.
This just goes to show you that too many years spent in an academic environment in pursuit of a PhD can cause the common-sense portion of your brain to atrophy.
I think this requires further study. Let's send the group that decided on this new rule out to examine Pluto much, much closer for a few years. This really does need an in-your-face, hands-on examination. If they do that, and decide "Pluto just isn't nice enough to be a Planet", fine. I'll abide by that. But until one of those pencil-pushing pocket protectors brings me my own personal Pluto rock, Pluto is still a planet to me!