Things I need to do today

Aug 05, 2011 08:45

Some direct debits that definatly did not go out of my account this month. They are:
Council tax
Water bill

I thought, when I did the transfers over that I also transfered over the direct bebits, but obviously not.

Also, I don't even have a clue who my electricity provider is. I need to fix this and set up a direct debit because I am bad with bills and will get into trouble with it otherwise.

I HATE HATE HATE making these kind of phone calls, so while I am up and awake and alert and not needing horrible sleepy painkillers I'm going to do it now, as it hits 9am, and get it all over with

And then at 4.30 I have a doctors appointment to see if the horrible nasty rash I woke with thismorning all over my face means I should stop taking one of the many drugs the hospital gave me, or not

my day

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