Feb 08, 2011 22:45
It was a good day. Better than I had expected. The lessons about our new selling system that is to be coming in the nearby future, were a success. I have a good feeling about it, despite my doubts at first. I even got to shine there today. Well done, self.
Then why, oh why, once I had got home, fixed myself something to eat and took a glass of wine, watched Japanese drama, lazying on the couch, I suddenly felt again so... empty? So... meaningless? Like it all would be vain. It's like... Why me, why do I have this kind of life, and not all the things I'd really want?
My, had the biggest bitch fit for a longest time. -_-;
I just emptied all the wine I got, roaming about in the kitchen, bitched and moaned and then bitched some more, felt pain and hurt and confusion.
Ah, one of those days, right? But even though my life is seemingly good - alright, without a brag -better than many other person's, what am I lacking so much that I just can't stay happy??
Hide me from me.
Fill these holes with eyes for mine are not mine.
Hide my head & need for I am no good so dead in life so much time.
Be wing, and shade my me from my desire to be hooked fish.
That worm wine looks sweet and makes my me blind.
And, too, my heart hide for I shall at this rate it also eat in time.
-Stan Rice-
nyt se on sitten seonnut lopullisesti,
enough already,
maanisdepiksen depiksempi vaihe,
tilanne vaatii viiniä