Nov 03, 2011 21:07
This morning I wrote 2025 stinky, ugly, repulsive words.
There were misspellings.
Proper grammar was thrown out the window.
I woke up about 4 hours too early today.
For the past three days I've sat down with nothing in my mind, but somehow, someway, the words leap from my pen onto the page.
And it's shit. But, right now, that's okay.
I'm being proactive. 2025 shitty words on a piece of paper are so much better than an the other thousands of words I squelch daily without releasing from the prison of my brain.
Truth be told, I'm actually enjoying myself. For some strange reason letting out all this shit has been fun. It's not yet work, and I hope it doesn't come to that, at least not yet. I can't yet handle it being difficult. Maybe in another week. Maybe after a few days. After a few thousand more words. Then I'll let the shit get to me.
But for now, I'm just gonna keep on letting it fly!
Current Nanowrimo total: 5775
Bulwer-Lytton line of the day: This is a place for mingling, but standing and mingling, as at a museum opening or art gallery show.