for those who care, heres some
leaked E3 footage of halo2. what, 2 hours after e3 starts? loll
read some guys
diary and got his girlfriends name-
emo cretin: hey uh
emo cretin: hi my name is jimmy
emo cretin: this is kinda weird
kg4ozx: okay..
emo cretin: i am a friend of Ann's
kg4ozx: right... thats nice..
emo cretin: Ann and i hooke dup a couple times
emo cretin: Ann didnt tell me about a bf
kg4ozx: is that so..
emo cretin: your gf broke down and told me the other day
emo cretin: i was hoping its not too serious between you?
kg4ozx: uh-huh... right, and you are who again?
emo cretin: look, my name is jimmy. i feel bad about what happened
emo cretin: i want to make things right. are you guys in a serious relationship?
kg4ozx: uh-huh.. will good one.. you see I just looked at your info, and it gave me profile options for your current name and Captwill83
emo cretin: your gf and i have hooked up a few times over the last few months
kg4ozx: right.....
kg4ozx: so you are the one with the small penis, right?
emo cretin: what are you talking about?
emo cretin: who is captwill?
kg4ozx: ann told me about that embarrassing little trist with the salad-shooter...
emo cretin: look buddy. if you want to make things harder there isnt much i can do about it
emo cretin: i am trying to make amends
kg4ozx: okay... yes we are serious..
emo cretin: dont get mad at me because your gf isnt honest with you
emo cretin: how long have you been together?
kg4ozx: you know how long we've been dating..
emo cretin: no, i dont
emo cretin: your gf only told me about you guys 2 days ago
emo cretin: i sit behind Ann in ethics class
kg4ozx: HA!
kg4ozx: she doesn't have an ethics class..
emo cretin: this is sad, your gf doesnt tell you much ...
emo cretin: Ann tells me everything, he is a wonderful man
kg4ozx: right... well, then how about this... if she tells you everything, what is her mothers maiden name...?
emo cretin: wait, your gf is a she?
emo cretin: doesnt gf mean grandfather?
emo cretin: sorry, i meant to write to someone else.. how embarassing.
then i blocked him