Mar 15, 2007 18:02
Marajuana. It won't harm you if you do it, so if you don't do it that should be a plus shouldn't it? Aparrently not. If you do it, I don't care, but if it comes anywhere near me, I'll snap. But why Mike? Because it doesn't only put you in danger, but even your family. That's even aside from the fact that it has no benefit what so ever. People call it relaxing cause they don't wanna face shit and run away from their fucking problems. People think that it doesn't affect you, which is a blatant lie, attitude is one of the biggest changes and if you don't believe me, you should come on over.
So for about 10 years, my brother (who will now be reffered to as john because he's no longer family) has been addicted to everyones favorite 7 leafed plant. With that, brought satanic attitude, and a freeloader status second to none. But the best part is, he thinks he's the victim whenever my parents yell at him.
I have prepared a list of memorable moments in john's history.
1. When I beat him in a video game, hed flip out and break something or even punch me in the face.
2. Throwing pictures from upstairs to down.
3. Calling my mom a useless bitch because he misplaced something, but it wasnt his fault
4. Going to the Dominican on unemployment money
5. Not answering/returing calls to collection agencies that he owes tens of thousands to
6. Kicking my mother
7. Not being able to get himself up in the morning to go to work
8. Just doesn't show up to work when he feels like it
9. Dealing drugs out of our garage
10. Promising my grandmother on her deathbed that he quit all this and completed a deal just after she died.
11. Bying rims for his car with insurance money recieved when his tools were stolen, the tools he can't work without.
12. Constant top of lung screaming at my mom at 6 in the morning because she woke him up so he could go to work
13. this is the best one. Thinking that he is a victim in all of this
So with drug addictions comes paying the dealer, and when you really need it, it goes on a tab. So john doesn't pay his tab, and what happens, instant danger for the family.
Monday night, this dealer calls the house to ask for john, and him being the pussy he is, wont come to the phone even though the guy knows he is home. So the guy keeps calling every 5 minutes. Then starts banging on the door, then on windows, front and back of the house.
Fun Fact: There was a fatal shooting 2 days prior just down the street
Since this dealer is known to be armed from time to time, after the 15th call at 1am, and by this time, the whole family is going nuts and my brother is pretending that nothing is going on (oh and blaming the parents, because hes the victim), we call the cops, then we have to deal with that until 3 o'clock. They informed us that they can't do anything do to the stupidity of the request. Listen to this. We want to get someone who is owed $500 to stop trying to get his money back.
At first I was really worried, but now I could give a rats ass. I want the guy to come here and do something because anything beats the harrassment day after day that this fucking soap opera brings. I can't focus on my school work anymore, or focus on anything for that matter. It's just one endless cycle of depression that appears to only have one fix.
I wonder if these wrists come in red.