say.... what do you know!

Jan 07, 2005 14:56

Hey. I've decided to take a minute out of my time to update this, because I haven't done so since summer. Personally, I think livejournal is just like myspace, and is like a place for "scene" kids to complain in. However, I feel like i should get people up to par with things, you know? Cool. A Lot of people seem to think that by complaining in a livejournal entry, maybe somebody will read it and solve whatever it is that's troubling the writer. This is not true. Please, there has to be more to your life than just bad negative stuff, maybe you're just convincing yourselves your lives are shitty. This is all just a theorem of mine of course, but if you want to continue to exaggerate about the negative aspects of your lives ion the form of consistent, mediocre writing; by all means do so.

- Hmmm... Christmas. The only basically great thing i got for Christmas was an iPod.

- New Year's Eve i slept over Jimmy's and we all smoked and whatnot. I was taking a hit just as the ball dropped... pretty cool i guess.

- Last year kind of sucked and I won't really miss it. Summer was the only truly noteworthy segment. The only things that have really changed since then are few and minor. I'm not in AIDS anymore, but now that I think about it I feel as if I'm better off, because now i can spend my time on guitar instead of bass. My guitar is pretty sweet by the way, I got it for my birthday. The only other thing that changed is involving friends probably. You know, the whole closer to some people, further from others thing.

- My resolutions are as follows:
- Perfect my sweep picking
- Become an even better guitarist overall
- LSD!!! If it ever fucking comes around
- Buy a nice piece
- Find a job I like
- Not fail
- Find another girlfriend
- Beat up at least one hardcore kid
- MAYBE start/join a band
- To be more careful about my decisions, especially when the outcome affects others
- Buy lots and lots of Jack Daniel's

Today I was informed that some girls i know were skipping or something and one of them left a purse in the cafeteria, which by an unfortunate twist of seemingly damnfull fate was found by an anonymous person. Normally i wouldn't bother writing about this, but the entry-worthy part is that there was cocaine inside the purse. That sucks. Although I don't think doing cocaine is a very wise decision, as it is a drug to be taken seriously because of it's addictiveness and eventually lethalness, I send my condolences out to them because nobody deserves to get caught with a drug regardless of what it is. So... good luck with that!

Well, that's pretty much the jist of it all. Hope you liked it because it's all you guys are getting for probably another couple months. Make sure you leave comments that will touch me emotionally, and benefit the lives of our children and our children's children. Smoke pot, eat lots of meat, grow your hair out, and don't listen to any hardcore or emo music. Bye.
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