Dec 23, 2013 13:22
I am cranky, at work, and waiting to hop a plane to Indiana later tonight.
I hate-read Lev Grossman's The Magicians a couple of weekends ago and then gave the thing a good hard chuck across the room. It's like Harry Potter with all Malfoys. Harry Potter meets Less Than Zero. Oh, woe is me, I am a bored rich magician kid with nothing to do. All my material needs are taken care of, and my magical school is fucking PAYING FOR AN APARTMENT IN NEW YORK after graduation, and I cannot think of a single thing to do. Perhaps I shall work, if I'm bored enough.
(I had such high hopes, because it looked like it was going to be a Narnia parody for awhile there. But no. People are afraid to merge, y'all.)
Hilariously, the main character describes himself as "middle-middle class," except his parents fucking OWN A BROWNSTONE in Park Slope, and then they sell it to buy a gigantic McMansion in the Boston suburbs, so they can paint and write. Middle-middle class. Oh, lolz.
I need to grab it and post all the really fun quotable bits. After Indiana, maybe.