(no subject)

Jan 07, 2013 11:33

Things I want to do this year:

(not resolutions, things I honestly just want to do this year, in no particular order):

1. Visit at least one new country
2. Make at least one new garment
3. Make at least one piece of animation, even if it's just crappy line drawings in Flash
4. Try out stop motion
5. Make 5,956th attempt at [project redacted]
6. Keep track of all books and movies, so I can remember what I read and saw at the end of the year, because I always forget

Getting #1-5 done means I need more time. So, one actual resolution:

1. Less time on Facebook and LinkedIn and Gawker and online in general; thank God I don't have a smartphone because I'd probably get addicted to that too

Okay, two:

2. Figure out how to finagle less time in a cubicle. There has to be a way, right?

2013 non-resolutions

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