Dec 09, 2006 23:04
Life is fine
things could be better
but also worse
so i have no real complaints
my days are going by suttle
but the air is still so brisk and i just need to get a hang of it
ive been chainsmoking alot recently again
i dont no why
i just find it hard to quit
but im still clean on drinking and pot and painkillers
and that makes me content
ive been fighting with my dad alot
we argue about nothing
hell start scenes in front of matt,mike,jordan
and hell push me
and hit me sometimes
but no matter what
i still love my mom so much
i neve really noticed it
i just wanna tell her one day how much she means to me
and how she is the best women in my life
i love my mother
and i love my friends
ive been getting closer and closer
with a select few
and i love them
i love mike,jordan,brad,tom,greg
i love them i love spending time with them
the other day my english teacher told me i have alot of potential as a writer
and ive been thinking about that alot
and like maybe thats something im really intrested in
and i would love to like actually do something with that
and maybe pursue it
or maybe not
i dont no
i went on a walk the other day
i really enjoyed it
i was just walking and the air was so crisp
and just like right now my windows are tinted with fog
and i just like it
i really like having alot of classes with Tiff this year
i dont no why
like her becoming a friend i really like
like just her bringing me trader joe foods
it really shows a new side to a girl i never really knew
and i love jordan so much
like it was around this time last year we started talking and becoming friends
and its just like
weve become so close
and hes been such an impact on me
hes always there and we just can do so much togehet (Even have massive huge erections in school)
and mike i will always love
and brad i love so much
I wanna really get into a good book:Any Suggestions?
Tonight me and matt were sittig in the car, i was reading a little bit, and he was reading and we were just talking , and he asked me so who do you like now? and just like i realized this is the first time in so long i havent liked someone. And i dont no why but im just content with that. Im just so happy right now being friends with girls, and talking and maybe one day something will amount but for now im just fine.
Ive started a GET BRIAN A WII FUND
The way i picture it is i will get some Holiday Money
+ Some Work Money and if all of you LJ Readers could donate any amount of money
i should be able to camp out one day soon in front of Circut City
and recieve one
that would be stealth
For the first time in a while
I love alot of things
and life
and im hoping it doesnt change
Goodnight Livejournal <3