Apr 24, 2004 13:18
Yeah...This is Yoder...Jim forgot to tell ya'll bout the chick i saw wearin a Yoder's Farms t at the TFK/Static concert. Tizit. She wasn't hot but whateva. Kinda feelin' like a woman, but nada on that. Guess its all GSF right now, kinda tight but not. Actually not tight at all. Dang. Thinkin' it's cause its spring and all. Love is in the air...or something. Strangeness happening the other night. Had a dream that like some dude was invading my house. Like...he was a dude but not. Kinda had a messed up face that looked like a pug, like the dog, but had blood or something running down his cheeks and a dude's body. I was all like holding my hand out to him, and then i clenched my fist and said "In the name of God!" And he died. Tizite.
So...that's all...it sux bad that my feet are dirty...mowed the grass today, and that sux hardcore. Thanx for the page, Bartley!