Nov 30, 2008 18:44
This is neither a bi-weekly update, or any update at all, but rather it hosts a random thought. Not quite random actually, instead a thought prodded into words by an outside source. Recently finished up a series called Dennou Coil, which spurred the section of my brain that contemplates reality into action.
In the series all the main characters wear "glasses", which more or less connects them to a VR world. The town in which the live is fully represent in VR space and they can see virtual objects as well as physical objects. In this setting virtual pets are common and most computer functions are represented by objects the user can interact with as though they existed. For example, they can use a VR shield to block against a hack attempt, which may be represent by a sword or even a missile launcher. Those who played Shadow Run and accessed the net alot will have some idea what I am talking about.
Anyway, near the end of the series the characters have their glasses taken away and are told to relish the real world and all things virtual are meaningless fakes. One of the characters had a virtual pet recently "die", and using the above advice tried to convince themselves that since all virtual objects are fakes that there was no reason to be sad that the pet died. In the end she can't take her own advice and discards the notion that VR is a meaningless fake.
Getting back to the original point, what makes an event real? One might say that something is only real when you can touch it. To which comes the classic response, inspired by the Matrix no doubt, that the senses are just electric signals to the brain and they too can be faked. Which more or less means everything you experience is simply electronic pulses to the brain stimulated from outside, and sometimes inside, force. So touching is not a solid basis for proving existence.
The opinion I am going to put forward is that something is real if it leaves an impact upon you. If an event leaves it's mark and forces a reaction from you.
If something happens in another part of the world, and you are clueless about it, then to you it is not real. It only becomes reality when it touches your life, when it's impact is felt. Say for instance a war in a small remote country. It doesn't affect you, you don't read about it in the paper, you don't see it on the TV, and no one talks about it. Suddenly someone you know joins the army to go to this war. Now it is real, it has affected you, and it will leave a mark on you.
And maybe the event is a virtual event, maybe it is about your character in an MMORPG. Say your character's party defeated an evil warlord bent on destroying a virtual town full of virtual inhabitants. The satisfaction you gain from defeating him is real. The experience you gain in slaying orges, while not largely useful in many activities, is real. Perhaps it made you feel better after a rather crappy day. Or say the adventurer went so bad it put you in a fowler mood. In all scenario's it impacted an you.
I like to think it ties in nicely with Cogito ergo sum.
I think. I am. I experience, ergo my experiences are real.
Reality is not just the lowest common denominator.
Anyway, someone way smarter than me probably has said this all before in a book or something. I just was in a contemplating mood and decided to share my view with others. Feel free to put forth your own views or even bring up other topics of discussion. Peace y0.