Welcome back to the fun hour!!
Anyway, my rage from my last post is more or less subsided to a simple simmering dislike. Can't stay fixated on that for too long though; there a things to do, plans to ermm... plan I guess, and people to see. So this is a special three part post.
College Plans:
My plans for college have fluctuated more than a 60hz AC signal (haha, nerd joke). Anyway, they are slightly more stable, but still a stray breeze could rend them asunder.
Right now, despite my initial thoughts at the outset of my military career, I will have to go to a community college for a bit. I'd planned to have this part finished by now utilizing online classes I'd take while underway and getting college credit from some of the military schools/training I'd done. It seems though that the amount of military training/schools accepted by colleges is dependent upon the college you are applying to. One might give you 40 credits, the other 12 credits. The internet college is was using took 40 credits, but most of the schools in California, and elsewhere it seems, only take 12. So I will need to attend a community college until I reach enough for my associates and can transfer to a university. Not too big of a deal.
Right now I am looking to attend Ventura Community College, in no other than Ventura, CA. After I complete a year of that I should have enough credits for a Associates degree in Computer Science. Then I will attempt to enter
The University of Channel Island. And continue till I have my Bachelors in Computer Science. Since the GI bill only lasts 36 months, that will be perfect timing if everything comes together.
I'd be lying if I didn't say that I have some concerns about going back to school after all this time. 24 years of age isn't exactly old, I just hope I'm not surrounded by a mass of teenagers. Not mention the fact that my math skills are about as l33t as a blunt object. Lots of long hours before-hand will need to be spent pouring over books like a hunchback librarian.
Road Trip:
Topic numero 2. So far it looks like the trip will go from something like 30th of July to late Aug(think something like 19 - 24th). The route so far is a loop so I can go either way in my direction.
Starting out in San Diego we go up Route 66 to Chicago, where I will visit my friend Louis and chill there for a few days. Probably will take our leisurely time traveling along Route 66 as I've heard there are many historical/cool sights to see.
Next we will travel east to hit up Philly, PA. I'll visit another friend I have there, J.R. is his given name, and he'll take us to New York and be our tour guide for a day or two. Then we journey south down towards Florida. On the way I'd like to see the Appalachian Mountains and a few other landmarks that no doubt dot the landscape.
I'd told my peeps in Pensacola that after I got out of the military I'd come back to visit. So I assume there will be lots of drinking, or something like that, and then a day of recovery. Lots of catching up to do, yes yes.
Heading off from Pensacola we will travel west until we hit San Diego once more. Once there I will recover from my arduous journey before I head out once more. There is a convention called PAX, or Penny Arcade Expo, up in Seattle Washington. I also have a friend down there, or at least that's where I think he is, and I'll chill with him for a bit. My poor car, or whatever poor car I rent, will have numerous miles on it at the end of this journey. That and my journey funds will be most exhausted.
I'd thought of taking the train across country, but after calculating the cost of driving vs rail it seems driving is cheaper. Don't ask how, just go with it. I'll probably rent one of those 35 mpg on highway vehicles, that way I'll be able to go from place to place with less gas station guzzling.
Misc Stuff and the beyond:
Hmm, I can't think of what I originally was going to put here. I suppose I just blabber about whatever happens to pop in my head.
I look forward to the chance of having a more permanent base of operations again. Get some semblance of a normal life/social life cobbled together. Whatever place me and my friend happen to move into will have a big garage, a garage that will serve as my tinkering shop/laboratory. Maybe some of the ideas that rattle around in my head will make it to your local store in a few years, who knows.
Dungeons and Dragons 4th edition came out a few weeks ago. Not sure I like the changes they made. The classes have something like a skill tree from MMORPG's instead of only a few different abilities. Which makes each class feel more unique and different, which is good.
They still didn't change the combat though. In my, humble, opinion Armor should reduce damage, not make it harder for someone to hit you. People don't wear full plate so that a goblin's club misses. No, they wear it so when the goblin hits them with that nasty cudgel it feels more like a soft poking instead of a vicious thwack. So instead of adding to your AC armor should give you damage reduction against non-magical weapons, unless your armor is magical and stuff. Instead opponents would roll to hit against your Reflex save, which would have a base of 10 plus dex bonus and whatever other applicable bonus apply. There's more to it, but that's the gist of it, I've been meaning to put the whole thing on paper.
Umm, what else... Oh, I'm working on / planning a multi-author short story compilation. Unfortunately I don't know any authors lol. The book/collection would be called, "Shades of Grey: A compilation of short stories that fall somewhere in the middle of right and wrong." There's two ways to spell grey, grey or gray, and each seem to mean the same thing. I guess it could be spelled either way. I just like the version with an "e" better. Who knows how much I'll work on it in the coming months, but it has graduated from a random thought to a solid idea(which means one day it'll get done). If anyone out there is interested, or you happen to know someone who might be interested in writing a short story, then please let me know.
That's about all I can think about right now so I suppose I should close this entry. Catch ya all laterz.