Jun 20, 2009 17:40
Oh wow, people still write here! .... Can't believe it's been more than 4 years now since I wrote an entry here on LJ. The only reason I'm back (well, not really back back, but back as in logged on) is because I was talking about fanfiction yesterday at work with someone from London, and that made me think back to the time when I had a real blast writing my own HP stuff and also reading tons and tons of SS/HG-fics.
So I started with logging on to Fanfiction.net, checked out WIKTT (over 10'000 members now!!!) and darcsarcasm on Yahoogroups (login still worked, yay) and added some stories to my bookmarks for later read. I really feel like reading fanfiction at the moment, I might even go back to some stuff I had read in the ol' days and reread them :).
... Or I might go over the top and finish that darn fanfic I had abandoned halfway through, because the next book came out... and the next.... and she let Snape die. Bah.
How do you guys handle it, that Snape is dead? Do you just completely ignore the fact that he got killed (and maybe even everything else from the last book in the series), along with Dumbledore being dead too, or do you start your (newer) stories with him coming back somehow?
.... oh, and I need some new mood-icons, this LotR stuff is getting a bit... meh.... 2005? ;)