.... of my
User Info. At least something new on here ;-) It was time to change it, really, the information on there was completely outdated.
I also wanted to update my LJ with a proper post... Unfortunately (as you can see from the time I'm posting this), it's really too late now to come up with a nice, long LJ-entry. Maybe I'll get around to write something tomorrow. Maybe. Lots of things have happened, and even though I find it hard to sit down for 30 mins or so to write it, I feel like I should.
Oh, and I've been deleting some of my old userpics (and will continue to do so, especially the HP- and the LotR-ones) to replace them with new ones, which I hope to get round to create sometime in the future. I'm also thinking about creating my own mood-theme, but I'm not sure where to get the time from. Has anyone got some spare time for me?