Nov 01, 2004 23:55
so its already midnight oh wait i lied its definately 11:55 i had school which sucked cuz iwasn't home all weekend so none of my homework was done... oh well i did some of it, but school was pretty boring except for lunch with kel, em, lis, corinne, courtney, kelly, and soem other people we were being dumbasses together.....then kel came over after school and we dyed our hair and attempted to watch the exorcist but we were too busy washing out the hair dye and drying our hair and wondering why the entire neighborhood was in my yard to watch it so i guess i'll have to rent it agian..... then we went to the mall to look for dresses for wonter ball because you have to start early or nothing decent is left to wear...i didnt find one i like so i migh t wear the one i wore last year unless i can find one some where else....stupid fuckin dresses lol....but nate called kel while we were trying on dresses and he decided to coem visit kel at the mall and he ran into kris in the parking lot or something i guess on his way in so they found us in jcpenney, where we talkin to lisa, and the four of u roamed(spelling ?) the mall for awhile then we had to friggin race hom ecuz we left a little late but it was all good nate and kris caught up to us on the highway pretty fast and nate tried to slow kel down cuz she was going pretty fast but that was my last few days guys and now i'm leavign for real
<3333333333333 ashes
omg there is a huge fuckin spider right near my chair i ahev to kill it before i post this. ewwwwwwwww to spiders