That's how old Comforting Lie is! I should've posted that awhile ago, but I didn't feel like it. And with the one year, there's a new layout at Comforting Lie. It's of Kaylee (Firefly), Willow (Buffy) and Fred (Angel). And I have a bunch of wallpapers to post too. I only have one exam left, so I had a lot more computer time. :D And then I have 4 days off after! 6 including weekends!
So onto the art. 2 Gilmore Girls, 2 Veronica Mars, 1 Kristen Bell, 1 Firefly, 1 Heroes, 1 Friends and 1 colorization.
Once In a Lifetime - A Rory/Logan wallpaper made for me and Sarah's battle.
Rory Gilmore - Simple wallpaper of Rory. :)
Veronica Mars - I really couldn't come up with a better title, lol. Well it's a wallpaper of Veronica, Wallace and Piz. Speaking of Piz...I felt so bad for him in the last episode. :(
All The Fun - A Veronica and Lilly wallpaper.
Pictures of Success - Yet another Kristen Bell wallpaper. I love her photoshoots so much, and this one was super cute! Also have to mention that this was kinda inspired by
bl_graphics Cheerful - A Kaylee wallpaper made for
The Wish. Quite happy with this one.
I Love You - A Hiro and Charlie piece. I've been meaning to do this wallpaper ever since I saw this scene, I just loved it.
Friends - My first Friends wallpaper and it looks horrible! I wanted to do something really simple and nice...the simple part worked out, but not the nice part.
Rachel McAdams - This is my first colorization in awhile...I guess it turned out ok.