long time no update

Jun 07, 2006 18:14

it's been awhile.

life is pretty sweet
i went through one full day with complete drama and it really sucked, but it's all good now and i'm over it and i'm in love with all my friends and wouldn't trade them for anything. they're my life and i love them.

dear kylie, amy, drew, kadin, cody, allie, & brad--
yall are my best friends. and i love you more than you will ever know. and i love hanging out with yall every chance i have cause that's when i seem to be in the best moods :]

i'm babysitting for rich people right now, BIG BUCKS! 
that's good too cause i'm in need of big money these days, esp. knowing that my dad doesn't believe in giving me money when i need some and making me pay for my food when i go out to eat, SDFSDFSDF$^%^& he's messed up in the head, IM NOT 18 YET PAPS PAY FOR MY FOOD, GEEZ!

i go to colorado the 22nd for two weeks, not that excited. well kinda knowing that KYLIE MIGHT BE ABLE TO GOOOOOO.. and first family vacation in i don't know how long. so it should be nice.. i guess the only thing i'm really bummed out about me going is that at all cost is coming the day after i leave, UGHHHHHHHS^$%&%^&*
&& i thought i was gonna be able to go to canada, lots of change in plans.. my family WAS planning on going and then we didn't cause we were going to colorado instead and then my grandma was gonna take me with her and then i can't anymore cause i'll still be in colorado! gahhh..

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