Oct 02, 2002 20:09
No. noie0tooo NOOOO.
Ok sorry I have listened to this song over and over and over.... and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again... because my KazaaLite STILL won't connect.. i donno why... and now I am lacking in the MP3 area.... raaaar.... >_<
Anyways. Better news: MY ART CLASS STARTS ON SATURDAY, YAY!!!! I'm taking it as a minicourse thru the university because I couldn't fit art into my schedule at school (damn AP classes...) Oh well. And, because i'm going to the class, I GET TO MISS THE PARADE!!! (Double yay!) See, my err... lamer town is having its bicentennial celebration or whatever, the class is in the middle of it, harharhar I don't have to march in it now... yeah :)
I hope mom picks up some candy for me though :D
Lol.... teh_funnies.... the SUPERMARKET wants me and by bestest friend Celeste to paint an autumn scene on one of their windows! THEY ARE CLEANING OUT A MEAT RACK FOR US SO WE CAN STAND THERE LMAO XD Hahaha... we can watch people chop up cows through the glass as we paint... lofl... lofl.... and mom thinks we should do it at nite so we don't get in anyone's way... so we could be at Giant at 12 am PAINTING THE MEAT WINDOW....... kekeke.
And we'll get a $20 gift certificate for it. Not TOO impressive, but it will buy me plenty of Lean Pockets, Sobe, and Archie comics!!!!!!1 XD