012 [audio]

Nov 07, 2009 23:36

For anyone who was present on Deck Twenty roughly one hour ago and witnessed the rather spectacular crash of one Commander Erol Kadir, I would like to assure you that he has been tended to and should be on his feet again soon enough.

[His voice has an edge of tiredness to it, as though he's worn himself out and is pretending otherwise. And honestly, he has; Erol took a LOT of patching up.]

For those of you who would have preferred I left him to go into shock and bleed to death, I believe you should probably take a moment to understand my priorities.

You see, Erol and I...we do not balance well. I doubt we ever will, considering our rather wildly varying opinions of a certain mutual acquaintance--but I must admit, not being a Havenite and seeing those horrors he is rumored to have taken part in myself, I do have a fair measure of respect for the man.

[Right. Yeah. Is that what they're calling it now?]

He is one of the greatest racers my world has ever seen, after all. Undefeated for years. I understand fully that Jak is better, of course, but...horror, failure, whatever he is, the fact remains that his racing is a work of art.

And as a racer myself, so far removed from my city and my own racing tourney, I could not abide letting such art simply die when there was anything I could do about it.

If you would like to complain, by all means complain. I do not hold grudges on behalf of my acquaintances, close though they may be, and I have always considered this one of my better traits. And if you have anything negative to say I think I should first make a note that it would be the first time I ever heard of someone being mistreated for saving someone's life instead of taking it.

[[ooc: Takes place after this log, currently in-progress. This also doubles as an open commentlog for anyone who wants to come bug Razer for pretty much blowing his cover like a moron 'cause he had to go and get attached.]]

#remy, so sentimental (not sentimental no), romantic not discussing it, said the spider to the fly, bitchery go, #arbiter, #kage, #ironhide, #lily, #pickles, #christine, !commentlog, #ashelin, ouch, #slipstream, #erol, #gt blitz, so polite, idk my bff erol, #amu, racing racing racing, #jak, #akagi

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