048 [audio]

May 25, 2010 07:08

It took you all long enough, but it sounds as though you did better this time than the last.

[Click of a lighter, a pause for a drag, and a long exhale.]Regardless, it would have been significantly more impressive if it hadn't taken so long. For being such a simple plan, it certainly took an inordinate amount of time to formulate ( Read more... )

you named your planet "dirt"?, roundears are stupid, #azula, #marco, #sulphur, !event, so polite, how genuinely surprising!, you're stupid and your boat is stupid, isn't he friendly?, #edward

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xmaliciouslyx May 25 2010, 19:27:03 UTC
[Azula just chuckles. She remembers now why she likes you, Razer.]


farfairersoul May 25 2010, 20:14:54 UTC

[He knows your userID.]

How have you been, my dear?


xmaliciouslyx May 25 2010, 20:22:26 UTC
Terribly bored. This entire situation would have been far more entertaining if someone actually died.


farfairersoul May 25 2010, 20:25:16 UTC
It would be impressive if they didn't so painfully deserve it for being so stupid.


xmaliciouslyx May 25 2010, 20:29:30 UTC
I don't think they know how to be anything else.

[Oh Razer you silly, expecting something more from the idiots on this boat.]


farfairersoul May 25 2010, 20:30:48 UTC
That much is rather obvious at this point.

[Dramatic sigh.]

Still, at least it's entertaining, some of the time. Better than that idiot island we were marooned on.


xmaliciouslyx May 25 2010, 20:38:19 UTC
Oh so very much agreed.

[She couldn't even hurt anyone. That sucked lemons so hard.]


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