sleep > history/future/any sort of higher goal

Dec 16, 2004 06:03

something a little artistic to counterbalance this history bullshit i've been writing about since elevenpm wednesday

there's a flurry of cigarette butts on the
ground outside the lab

thrown there in mini fits of rage
by the pimply, smelly young adult

trying to figure out the philosophy of
why gender seems to transcend the angle
of bacterial menegitis

i need food.

action plan
time now- 605 am thursday
1. finish this shit by...7-730 am
2. go home, get some materials, lay down for a half an hour, food
3. coffee coffee coffee
4. work on drawings for pacific project
5. review for women and public policy
6. go to douglass, take final
7. do bibliography for pacific paper/finish up project
8. drink a beer. SLEEP. sleep the fuck out of my bed.
9. keep fingers crossed that gary will come over
10. sleep.

sleep sleep sleep

when i went out for a cigarette break there was a nice commrodity among some other RU kids, and in a sense it was very comforting that i'm not the only one doing a paper due later on the day, not knowing what the hell it's about, etc etc.
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