Apr 16, 2006 18:58
I feel muddled but strangely calm.
A large aspect of what has defined me for the past 2 years is going to be gone for a little while. How can I recreate myself? And..is it really that hard or am I just heightening the circumstances?
must be a different view to be a me with a you.
It just seems like an interesting time for change. Slightly awkward, strangely appropriate.
This weekend was calm and subdued but pleasant in its own right. I think I used my time in chapel hill wisely...I am apparently worthy of a second interview at Gap, which means I am solid GOLD. Those guys are excellent judges of character. And they wear cute jeans and stuff. So that'll be interesting. I'm still really hoping for this job at the Art Museum..working with kids/art, basically perfect in my book. But if I don't get it, retail it is. I feel like if nothing else, I'll be able to anecdote like NO other. Good thing I've become an adept people watcher/listener. This way I can judge everyone- word up to judging.
we celebrated easter at the casale household even though we are greek orthodox and technically believe that jesus rose on a different day because hey, there needs to be something that seperates us from catholicism. We ate cake with pink frosting and jelly beans.And I got chocolate covered sunflower seeds. Interesting combination, don't you think? Submit you're feelings on that one. What do you think the STRANGEST food for chocolate covering would be?
i would have said gummy bears but they already did that.
papa fibonacci rocked hard last night. I am starting to recognize good improv, which makes me feel pretty special. it has also makes me realize that the improv at JMU isn't funny at all, its actually a little tragic
my dog loves me more than you.
she told me with her affection this weekend that we are obviously meant to be together.
this stream of words will end as soon as i decide and i think i will write two more sentences.
i want a type-writer. they seem so precise and they make a very satisfying noise when the keys touch the paper and make LETTERS. that make WORDS.
p.s: Sorry readers, for posting a little tipsy last time.I shan't do it again, because it just looks silly.