Just Random Thoughts

Jan 20, 2013 18:02

Well I don't know why but just feels some urge to write and share my random thoughts.. Not that it's important.. Well, as I said.. I just don't know.. ^^;a

These past weeks I feel there's so much problems.. Of course the living people all have problems.. only those who are dead are free from problems.. It's just.. These past weeks.. So much has happened and those problems sometimes makes me feel, I want to give up.. It's very hard to keep trying.. And to the point, I didn't even know what I must say in my prayers anymore.. Well, maybe You may think I exaggerate it, but seriously, you may feels the same in my situation.. After all, I can't tell you exactly how I feel, and you can't understand exactly my situation..

Then looking around (not literally, but I don't know how I should write it), I see some people trying hard and still being crushed by life.. while there's also so many people that just lazying around the whole day, sitting in some place and asking for people kindness, not because they can't do anything, but because they're lazy.. And guess what? They can live in more luxury more than the hardworkers one.. Life is not fair.. Not all people situation is like that I know.. But it's just.. Life is not fair..

Well, this thought particularly appeared because seeing one old man, selling a bread using bike (the traditional bread type one) in the raining one.. He's so hardworking.. While in my daily, whenever I go to college to go home from my college I've seen so many healthy and young people, just sitting in the corner of traffic light and asking money.. And will angry if we refused to give them money.. and in the same place, I've seen a man with a shortage in his left leg, so he can't walk properly, but still working by selling stuff, and not just asking money..

*sigh.. I know this is a very random or maybe selfish rambling.. With no meaning..
Anyway, time to go back and facing a reality again..


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