Church notes - May 2024
Hebrews 4:14 - 16
Psalm 3
Psalm 37
Every situation in life is an opportunity to know more of God.
Every situation in life has challenges to honor God and fellowship with Him.
Psalm 3
Vs 1, 2
David had fled and was in a place of despair.
vs 5
A statement of faith.
What is your despair?
Psalm 37
vs 1, 2
Trust in the LORD and do good.
Dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.
- Be happy with what He has given you.
vs 4
Delight in the LORD and He will give you the desires of your heart.
vs 4, 5
Give way to arguements, demands or pressure.
We need to yeild to God.
Delighting and committing is about prioritising God in our life.
vs 8 - 11
Don't envy wicked people or you may imitate them.
The solution:
Jesus and His sacrifice at the Cross.
Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.
Delight yourself in the LORD... give you the desires of your heart.
Commit your way to the LORD; trust: He will make your righteousness shine.
Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for Him.
Inherit the land and enjoy great peace.
Psalm 18:16 - 36
'Can't see the forest for the trees.'
2 Samuel 22
We need a humble heart tp realise that we need to come to come to God for redemption.
A man after His own heart.
When called out for sin, David immediately repented.
vs 19 - 27
What is it we want? What heart are we bringing to God?
Jesus' miracles were about restoring humanity, as part of His redemptive plan. He was fulfilling Scripture. So should we.
Love God. Love people.
Jesus wasn't interested in the How, but the why.
Shame. Fear of not trying.
Ephesians 2:4 - 7
Salvation is a shift. Dying to self and coming to life through Jesus' death and resurrection.
Stop overanalysing yourself and look to Christ.
vs 21
Not boasting. But David was looking to God.
Hebrews 12:1, 2
Fixing our eyes on Jesus.
Isaiah 40
2 Corinthians 12
Psalm 61
vs 2
The ends of the earth. It is more his spiritual and emotional state, than a physical location.
Nothing made sense anymore.
Therefore he cried out to God. A distress call.
Self-help, self sufficient
It is only in God Almighty that we deliver what we hope for.
God should be the first thought.
The God to whom David prayed,
vs 4, selah, vs 5
A pause
A moment of contemplation.
God of Refuge
Three metaphors to describe God.
God the Rock
- Something with great strength, protection
- Something that is greater than us.
God the refuge
vs 3
- Where it is safe to go.
vs 4
Shelter under the wings of God.
Confidence to live in the shadow of the Almighty.
vs 6, 7
Third person.
Prophetic - many generations.
He is either praying for himself, or Jesus
David brings his situation to God but doesn't ask for it to be remedied.
David allows his situation to push him towards God.
Psalm 62
Psalm 133
Psalm 16
God: David's Companion
God is:
: Our Refuge
vs 1
A common theme throughout the Psalms. The Israelites had experiences with God's protection.
David knew his safety and security was only to be found in God.
A deep rooted understanding that He was the only God.
Psalm 18:2
God is:
: Good
vs 2
The source of everything that is good.
God is:
: Relational
vs 3
The people who remain true to God.
God is:
: All sufficient - All we need.
vs 4 - 6
Portion - Something metered out, a ration.
Lot - casting lots.
God is:
: Our counsellor and teacher.
vs 7
If you can't sleep - don't count sheep, talk to the Shepherd. Use the time not sleeping to talk to Him.
Keep your eyes on Him.
God is:
: Our Redeemer
vs 8 - 11
2 Timothy 1:10
A person you spend a lot of time with.
A person you travel with together.
He reminds us of His sacrifice.
Acts 13:22
Psalm 44
Psalm 139
God Almighty
vs 1 - 6
The God who knows David personally.
David's response
- You hem (protect) me.
- Such knowledge messes with my mind.
vs 7 - 12
The God who surrounds David.
David's response
- No place to hide.
Can't hide from God.
See Jonah.
vs 13 - 18
All powerful Omnipotent
David's resposne
- God has precious thoughts towards David.
- Too many to count.
vs 17 - 24
David's response
- Search me O God and see if there is anything offensive in me.
Psalm 27
vs 1 - 2
A soldier's Psalm
David was on the run from Saul in the Judean Wilderness, near the Dead Sea.
David used his psalms to teach Israel.
Search God's face.
Psalm 91
Psalm 34
The LORD who hears our cries.
vs 1 - 10
David's Testimony
vs 11 - 22
David's Teaching
1 Samuel 21:10 - 15
David was on the move. When he had refuge it wasn't for long.
David's life in ups and downs.
vs 17, 18
The onset of trouble must be countered with the onset of prayer.
God wants us to be honest with Him in prayer.
Are you ready for How He may deliver you from a crisis or trouble?
vs 19 - 22
He is always looking to rescue us.
John 19:36
Jesus had already died, so His bones weren't broken.
The greater rescue plan - Eternal life through Jesus.
Matthew 6:9 - 13
Psalm 65
A song
(Also the three Psalms after it)
What music would have David used?
Harvest Psalm
Harvest at Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles
Passover and Christ's Sacrifice.
Isaiah 2:2 - 4
Jerusalem, Zion, as the center of the world.
God blessing the whole Earth.
vs 11
Psalm 68
Psalm 104
Those who don't remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
History engages the mind.
Music engages the heart.
God is Great
We can take that for granted.
vs 26
God is Creator
Genesis 1
Psalm 19:1, 2
An invitation to look around.
God is provider
vs 27 - 30
vs 35
The discord of sin.
By nature we sin.
The discord is resolved in Jesus.
Praise the LORD.
church, genesis 1, psalm 104, psalm 19,
1 Peter 1:1 - 12
Rejoice in suffering
Trials and suffering.
Peter writes to regions where Paul had founded churches.
vs 10 - 12
Quoting Joel as he did at Pentecost.
vs 3
Increasing peace.
Born Again, by the will of the Father.
vs 6
Trials, for a short while. But all times, all of history, are a short while, compared to Eternity.
The trials refine our faith. The trials give us true faith, giving glory to God when He returns. It is about Him, not us.
Psalm 23
1st Peter 1:13 - 25
Isaiah 14:15 - 31
vs 27
1 Peter 1
1st Peter 1:13 - 25
Only Jesus can create the peace.
People of the New Covenant
What's your timeframe?
What do you value most?
Allow the grace to impact your life.
Rest your hope on it.
Minds prepared for action.
Take control of your thoughts that would take your focus off Him and His second coming.
There is no list of 'not do's'
Fill your mind with God's expectations.
Live your life in reverant fear
Jesus Christ is the imperishable seed.
He was Chosen before Creation.
Revealed for all mankind.
Raised from death.
Through Him - Faith and Hope made complete
Where does your hope rest?
1 Peter 2:1 - 12
A Kingdom of Priests
Encouraging names
Living Stones
vs 4, 5
Metaphors of Stone
Stumbling Stone Isaiah 8:14
Foundation Stone Isaiah 28:16
The Parental Rock Isaiah 51:1, 2
The Rejected Stone Psalm 118:22
Where Eternity Happens
Royal Priesthood
vs 9
The main privilege of a priest is access to God.
Because of Jesus we have access to Him.
Jesus giving us an eternal home.
Being an example
vs 12
1 Peter 2:13 - 25
Faithfulness in the face of persecution.
vs 13 - 17
Human authority is under God's authority.
Honor human authority.
Fear God.
vs 15
Do good in God's behalf.
Who grind's on you? Do good to them. Show them God's light.
Galatians 2:20.
God's calling to you is to suffer.
You will have troubles in this world.
Acts 14:22
1 Thessalonians 3:3
Philippians 1:29
Not mindless pain. It is suffering for the sake of Christ.
Psalm 23
The rod and staff comforting is what we should be focused on, not the valley of the shadow of death.
vs 20
It is for His Name's sake.
By nature we are self centred, but by focusing on God we can stand the world's waves.
God's example to you is Jesus.
The suffering servant.
Matthew 16:13 -20
He committed no sin.
He was authentic, forgiving, even on the Cross. He entrusted himself to Him who judges justly.
Psalm 121
1 Peter 3:8 - 22
Background: The Roman Empire
Emperor at the time Peter wrote the letter - Nero.
Nero considered Christians a major threat to Rome, therefore there was massive persecution.
Humble - Romans considered it to be 'at the bottom of the pile'
Jesus said we need to be hunble as He was.
Following Jesus needs to cost. What are you willing to give up to follow Christ?
Pray that you do change the world for Him.
vs 16
Christ suffered for us.
John 21:15 - 19
Jesus restores Peter after his denials.
Jesus is Lord of all.
1 Peter 4:1 - 11
vs 3
Pagan festival
Pax Romana - The Romans provided stability in the region and ruled lightly if people caused no problems and worshipped the Emperor.
Christians were considered a threat.
- Culturally different.
- Revolutionary
- Mary and Martha
1 Peter 3:15
Be ready
vs 1
Delayed gratification
There is a last judgement.
Psalm 150
Psalm 127
Psalm 91:14 - 16
1 Peter 4:12 - 19
Hard Sell
Trials and Persecution
1 Peter 1:1, 2
If you don't suffer grief, then you have died before those who love and care for you.
If you don't factor suffering into your world view you are ill prepared to live in this world.
Christians will suffer and your shouldn't be surprised when it happens. Any teachings to the contrary are false.
vs 13
Philippians 1:29
The people who are persecuting you see something of Jesus in you.
vs 14
Matthew 5:3 - 12
We recieve the ministry of the Holy Spirit when we are suffering.
vs 15 - 18
vs 19
Commit to God.
If you don't factor in eternity you are ill prepared for suffering.
Romans 5:5
Ezekiel 37:1 - 14
The evil outside us is magnified by the evil inside.
Titus 1:15
Sanctification is a life-long process.
Froms hearts of stone to hearts of flesh. Transformation through God's Spirit.
Exile in Babylon
Ezekiel 1:1 - 11
Sin, judgement and punishment.
Ezekiel 37:1 - 14
vs 1 - 3
Sin had made them thoroughly dead and hopeless.
Genesis 2:7
vs 9 - 11
Breath and wind
The breath of the Spirit brings them back to life.
vs 12 - 14
I will put my Spirit in them.
I will return them to the Promised Land.
Fulfillment in Jesus
Sin lurks, crouching at the door, waiting to strike.
Sinners anonymous
We are sinners. We need the grace of God.
We are a sign to a broken world.
We have a vision of the kingdom of God.
Ezekiel 36:24 - 28
What is causing you to be angry? Is there an idol?
Jesus is our hope. The Holy Spirit leads us to Jesus.
The Prophet, Priest, King and Temple.
Galatians 3
1 Corinthians 2
The Holy Spirit Instructing God's people.
The giving of the Holy Spirit follows the Resurrection.
vs 13 Human wisdom vs God's wisdom.
Demonstration of the Spirit's power.
vs 14
Paul wanted them to be convinced by something that couldn't be refuted.
People being born again; a demonstration of God's Spirit.
Revelation of God's wisdom.
vs 7 - in first person.
It's not a mystery. There is no mysticism.
The point of the Spirit is to give us understanding of what God has given us.
Don't miss the fullness of God's wisdom.
The Spiritual Person.
Someone who realises that God has blessed them in order that they might be a blessing to others.
We have the mind of Christ.
Being about the Father's business.
To have the mind of Christ is essentially a corporate experience.
Acts 2:1 - 41
The Holy Spirit
Part of the Trinity
Coequal with the Father and the Son
A Person
Genesis 1:2
First mention in the Bible.
The Spiritual Person.
Someone who realises that God has blessed them in order that they might be a blessing to others.
We have the mind of Christ.
Being about the Father's business.
The Holy Spirit is God, not the power of God.
Wind, tongues of fire, speaking in other languages that people spoke.
Repentance, baptism
3000 saved that day.
Acts 8:17 - 23
God chose how people received the Spirit. (People don't have to pay money to receive anything!)
Acts 9:17 - 19
Repentance, acceptance of the Gospel
Heirs, first born sons.
One does not need to speak in tongues to be saved!
Baptism in the Holy Spirit
Repented of your sins
Accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior
Relying on the Holy Spirit
Psalm 93
John 16:5 - 16
vs 13
The Spirit will guide us into all truth.
How do you forget that?
vs 7
Para beside
Clatos called or sent
John 14:16, 17
Jesus was with the Disciples as the Spirit is in us now.
Para Clatos Gr.
Advicatus Lat.
Advocate - Roman lawyer
A purpose
The purpose
vs 18
Judgement Day will come
We can get caught up in daily life and lose perspective on Eternity.
What is good and right vs what is our thoughts and attitudes.
The ideas the Holy Spirit implants in our heart are as important as the Scripture is. (But need to be tested against Scripture)
Jeremiah 31:31 - 34
The Holy Spirit is personal
Wesleyans called 'Enthusiasts' as a derogatory term.
A personal relationship with God.
1 Corinthians 12:4 - 13:13
Focus on the question
We not me
The Greatest Commandment
Love the Lord Your God
The Second
Love your neighbour as yourself.
A mutualistic relationship.
1 John 1:7
A deep relationship.
Gr. Koinonea
A family unit
vs 12:12, 13
Repetition -Paul (and through him, God) driving the point home.
You aren't enough on your own. Something is missing.
vs 12:25
United in a common purpose.
You are of profound importance to the Body of Christ.
vs 22
vs 7
Romans 12
According to the gifts given to us.
Ephesians 4
The gifts can be divisive is they are used selfishly.
Galatians 5
Meaning of name
Christian - like Christ
Romans 8
One God
Three Persons
Sent His Son vs 8
What is the Holy Spirit doing?
Chapters 1 - 7
The Church is diverse, but they are all sinners.
vs 9
Focus on the Spirit
He has freed us from sin and death. vs 2
Spirit of God lives within us. vs 9
The Holy Spirit leads us vs 14
vs 14 - 16 talks of adoption by God.
The Holy Spirit witnesses that we are in fact God's children. vs 16, 17
The Spirit helps us in our weaknesses and intercedes for believers. vs 26, 27
What do we do with this?
Be thankful to God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit
Love God
Engage with the Holy Spirit
How can we engage with the Holy Spirit?
1 Peter 5
Fears and Anxieties
There is hope in Jesus
Worry is a bad thing.
vs 7
vs 5
Jesus as a humble servant.
Have a humble attitude.
Be humbled and recognise that God is Sovereign
Fear and Anxiety
Bring it to God
Philippians 4:6
A journey of prayer and relationship.
vs 8
Satan exists and is in opposition to God and to us. He is looking to destroy us. 'A roaring lion looking to devour'. Like a cat playing with a mouse.
Liar. The Father of Lies.
But he is not a victor.
vs 9
Stand firm
vs 10
Matthew 25:31 - 46
God is interested in what happens in the world.
He is going to intervene.
Jesus entered Jerusalem in a provocative manner,
Matthew 24
Jesus was the sanest voice in history.
The Kingdom of God has arrived.
Make the best out of your time.
Psalm 100
Jeremiah 29:11 - 13
Song of Solomon 4:7
Romans 10:1 - 16
vs 14
Living with the people
How can they call on Him if they hadn't heard of Him?
Unless someone tells them.
There is no prejudice in the Gospel. Everyone has the opportunity to recieve it.
Paul's perspective shifted after his experience on the Road to Damascus and Ananias's prayer.
2 Corinthians 4:4
Satan is active, blinding people to God's truth.
1 Peter 4:11
Be consistent
Take the initiative.
1 Peter 3:1 - 7
1 Peter 2:13 - 21
Submit to the institutions of man.
Likewise to the institution of marriage.
Wives - Their actions to speak louder than words.
Quiet and gentle - as Jesus was.
vs 6
- Quiet and Gentle
- As Sarah was with Abraham
Something a husband can't demand
Demanding - abuse; and not in character with how Jesus treated women.
Don't fear the crowd.
Ephesians 5:21 - 33
vs 7
Get to know her better and treat her appropriately.
Tale initiative to love, shepherd and nurture.
The husband is to honor.
Heirs together in Christ.
Psalm 8
Communion - Hebrews 10:19 - 25
2 Peter 1:1 - 11
Our faith is as precious as the faith of the Apostles
vs 3
Knowledge of God.
Flee the moral corruption of the World
It is by the grace of God.
vs 5
Doing what is right
Self Control
Reason winning over passion
Endurance in a Christian way
Godliness, Piety, reverential feelings.
Does your behaviour honour God?
Loving as family.
Agape - unselfish, Godly love
The deliberate action, or selfless action for the person's good.
vs 8 Growing in the virtues
Don't be indurate, but have a life full of Christian virtues
Practice, practice, practice
vs 9
If one thing is focused on, other things are lost sight of
vs 10
Parable of the Talents
Matthew 25:10 - 24
You represent every Christian alive
Are your eyes open?
Psalm 148
Luke 9:28 - 30
2 Peter 1:12 - 21
vs 12 - 15
Reminding of the basic truth of the Gospel
Remember something you already know
Deuteronomy 5:15
Deuteronomy 16
Reminders of the Passover and Exodus
No matter how close to the LORD we have been as Christians, or how long standing our Christian commitment, or how central our position in the fellowship, that danger of wobbling remains, and we should check ourselves constantly for the tell tail signs.
vs 13
John 21:13
The business of the church and of preaching isn't to present us with new and interesting ideas. It is rather to remind us of truth.
Focus on the Gospel
vs 16 - 18
Psalm 22
Isaiah 53:3 - 9
Colossians 1:15 - 20
2 Peter 3:1 - 10
Fight for the truth
Including in Churches
Standing up for the truth of God.
An attack mindset sometimes isn't needed.
Genesis 3:1 - 5
Satan twisted God's words.
It is the same today.
vs 3, 4
Twisting the word. Teaching parts differently. Or ignoring parts of it. Diminishing it.
How to punch back?
How are you punching back?
vs 8 - 10
Reminder of the Promise
Live as a people who are looking forwards to the new heavens and the new Earth.
2 Peter 2
False Teachers and Their Fate
Information overload - too much information in this day and age.
Peter focuses his readers on the Truth.
Have we become too tolerant?
vs 1
There _will_ be false teachers!
vs 13
Amongst you
Look for the actions
vs 2
vs 14
Accursed breed
God takes this seriously!
He is in't slack in remembering His promises.
Numbers 22
Don't be afraid that God won't deal with the false teachers and look after His people.
Their end state is worse than the first.
Condemnation is hanging over them.
vs 13
Slaves of depravity who were never born again.
Proclaim Jesus as Lord and be born again.
Not only in words, but in actions.
Know the Word.
John 1:1
Jesus and the Scriptures
2 Peter 3:11 - 18
No fear for those who live in Christ
What is it that you are most looking forward to right now.
What you should look forward to?
vs 12
The way to live
To bring it glory
vs 14
Live peaceful, pure and blameless lives.
Waiting for as many people as possible.
The heresy of sinless perfectionism
Other heresies
So be on guard and you will stand firm
vs 18
Isaiah 9:1 - 8
The Prince of Peace
Absense of conflict
People stop caring about what happens in the world
But Jesus wants us to care.
Philippians 4:4 - 7
God is with us. A God who is there for us and is in control.
We should be praising Him for Who He Is.
We are in His hands and we should trust Him.
Living life with God
Guarding our hearts.
Isaiah 11:1 - 10
Wonderful Counselor
Luke 4:22 - 38
Jesus' ancestry traced all the way back to Adam.
Isaiah was convinced by what he knew of God.
The Spirit of the Lord will rest on Him
Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding.
Matthew 9:1 - 8
Spirit of counsel or might.
Matthew 8:28 - 31
Swift, powerful and complete
Spirit of knowledge and fear of the Lord.
Deny yourself, follow Jesus
Matthew 22:34 - 40
Luke 4:14 - 21
Selfless peace
Luke 2:13, 14
Shepherds were low status people.
John 14:27
Glory to God in the highest.
Judges 6:24
Gideon recognised that God is peace.
Goodwill to men.
Luke 6:32 - 36
All of us have fallen short of God. We are all sinners.
Peace will set us free.
Luke 4:14 - 21
Isaiah 9:6
Jesus is more interested in our character, than our comfort.
Jesus hears your cry for help.
Christmas Eve
Isaiah 9:6, 7
John 1:14
John 1:1 - 5
John 3:16
Christmas is all about Jesus
Luke 2:8 - 20
Jesus is totally God and totally man
He died in our place, to take our sins, and rose again.
We all have a God shaped hole in us.
Christmas Day
Isaiah 9:6, 7
Luke 2:10, 11
John 1:14
Matthew 1:18 - 25
Isaiah 7:14
Jesus is the one Isaiah talked about.
Dwelling amongst the people.
He attends to His creation. Nothing is apart from His purpose.
Are you prepared for God to dwell among you?
God's gift to mankind was Jesus.
Psalm 68
Psalm 69
Emmanuel - God With Us
Grow like Jesus
Luke 2:41 - 52
A learning moment for Mary and Joseph
It was OK for them to emotional as they searched for Jesus.
In Jewish tradition turning 13 is the coming of age.
How do we need to grow so that we can be about the Father's business in 2025?