Church notes - April 2024

Apr 28, 2024 16:14

Philippians 2:1 - 11
- Is the spirit of the age.

We are called to live differently.

Stress does not simply happen to us.

The Servant King - Choose Your Own Adventure
True happiness
Isolation and self reliance (individualism)
Hope of faithful obedience (service)
Paul is calling the Philippians (and us) to live the reality of God's kingdom.
To be a vital part of the Kingdom community.

Living in the reality of the Kingdom of God.
vs 1, 2

Contrast with the spirit of the age.
Comfort, compassion, purpose.
Perfect unity - one in spirit and purpose.

vs 3 - 5

Free from pride filled dramas

Pride is the one sin we can't see in ourselves. We need to deal with it in fellowship.


10% circumstance, 90% attitude (mindset)

Paul was in prison... But...

vs 6 - 8
Jesus' mindset

vs 9 - 11
The Father's response.

Gratitude as a disciple requires a conscious choice.

Philippians 2:12 - 30
- What was before this is important. What comes next follows on from it.
- Continue in the way that we talked about prior
vs 12, 13
Work out not work for.
Jesus has obtained it for us.

Working out your salvation - You have evidence in the way you live your life.

Galatians 5:22 - 26
The fruits of the Spirit: we should display them.
Bear fruit in your life.
'You', 'Your' - the words were plural in the Greek.

Hebrews 10:19 - 25

God held His people accountable for individuals
Joshua 7
Achan's sins...

We should hold each other accountable.

Paul sent Timothy because he trusted him.

Check everything against Scripture.

Philippians 2:1 - 4

Luke 4:17 - 21
1 Corinthians 11:23 - 27

Philippians 3:1 - 11
Vs 1
Filled with joy.

vs 2
Proving Marriage
- Certificate
- Photo
- A new name
- A new female
- Vows before God
- A relationship with each other

Proving as a Christian
Grew up in Church

But, even the Devil himself believes in God.
And a professor in Theology doesn't believe that Jesus is the Son.
vs 3 - 6
Paul's credentials
- A Jew
- A member of the tribe of Benjamin
- A Pharisee
- He persecuted the Church
- He was faultless by the Law

vs 7 - 9

Is knowing Jesus the greatest thing in your life?
Is Jesus all you want?

Paul knew he was a Christian because he had put his faith in Jesus.

Bank Statement
Debt | Credit
SIN . | (The Cross)

Sins of commission - what is done
Sins of omission - what is not done.

Debt is wiped out because of what Jesus has done on the Cross. Jesus lived a Holy life. He never sinned. That is why He paid the price.

24th Palm Sunday
John 12:12 - 19
Colossians 3:15 - 22

1 Corinthians 12
Hebrews 13:17
2 Timothy 4:1 - 5

Philippians 3
Sacrifce - Being Like Jesus

The Goal - asperational goal
For the Jews - someone who fully kept the Law was perfect.

vs 6
Paul had been one of those who were considered perfect

vs 10
But he had completely changed his focus, onto Jesus.

Two Points
- A life-long journey.
- Our holiness is different, to the Jewish idea of holiness.

The finishing post. Winning a prize

Running (or riding a bike)

Perseverence and hard work. Our Christian walk is hard and ongoing.

vs 2
vs 17 - 19

Galatians 5:22, 23
Our focus can be on rules on regulations. But our focus should be on God and becoming more like Him. Our loyalty is to Heaven, not to things on Earth.

29th Good Friday
Luke 22:14 - 20

It is Finished
John 19:30
It had different meanings to different people.

Hebrews 10:1 - 18
What would you answer when asked what did Jesus mean?

The Old Testament Sacrificial System wasn't designed to last forever.
It was a shadow of what was coming.
It was finished.

Jesus gave up His spirit.
He gave His life freely for all Mankind.

The curtain torn in two.

vs 14
He is perfect in God's eyes.

Not because of we have done, but because of what He has done. His sacrifice lasts forever.

vs 15 - 16
vs 17
Sins no longer remembered.

Psalm 103
As Far as the east is from the west.

vs 18
The perfect sacrifice has been made.

Many Old Testament prophecies were fulfilled.

Those who accept Christ as Lord and Saviour were blameless.

Romans 6:26

Death has been conquered. Resurrection was assured.

31st Easter Sunday
Mark 16:1 - 8
1 Peter 1:3 - 4

Christ is Risen!
He is risen indeed!

It has begun
Colossians 1:15 - 20

He lived a full life.
vs 17
He holds everything together.

Of the highest order. The Prototype.

vs 20
All things - everything.

The resurrection matters.

The Old Testament
Creation, Sin, Catastrophe, Confusion, Israel's history. The Israelites did what Adam and Eve did.
Marred by Sin
This Age

The Age to Come
A contrast. The age of holiness and justice. God's Kingdom.

Zoe Aionion

John 3:16

John 17:1 - 3

Matthew 19:16 - 30

1 Timothy 2:9, 10

Jesus smote evil

2 Corinthians 5:17 - 20

Philippians 4:1 - 9
Sacrifice - Trusting in God
We need to trust the Lord. We can get overwhelemed by the World's messages.

The crown - Not stuff. Not achievement. But people who have come to know Jesus as Lord and Saviour.

vs 2
Disagreement and division.
We need to do conflict resolution.
Gr. Skandalus 'Offence;

Conflict in the Body of Christ
A deceptive trap - Skandalus 'Offense'
- A bait of Satan
Holds the bait
Offense is a tool of the Devil to bring people into captivity.
Offense is usually due to pride.
Pride keeps people from seeing the truth.
The heart condition is hidden from you, but not from God.
He who cannot forgive another breaks the bridge over which he must pass himself.
We need to forgive.

vs 3
Help those who are in confict.
Grace is amazing!

1 Corinthians 11:27 - 32

vs 4
- Be considerate
vs 5
Keep your eyes on Jesus
Give thanks in all circumstances.
All things work for those who love God.

vs 6 - 7
Nothing is too great for God's mighty power.

Rejoice and give thanks
Care for others and refuse to be offended
Remember that Jesus is coming back
Don't worry about anything (reject fear)

vs 8 - 9

Ephesians 4:29

Philippians 4:9 - 20

vs 13
We need to be brave and daring for God. He will back us up.

But there is a bigger message.

Paul had chosen to be a servant. He had learned to trust God no matter what his circumstances were.

Paul did anything to reach as many people as possible.

Learning to be content in whatever circumstances God places us in is important.

God is with us and is taking care of us.

God appreciates our gift.
vs 18 - 20

Psalm 63
vs 13

Compare with:
Philippians 2:11

The God to Whom David Prayed

Why David prayed.
How David prayed

2 Samuel 7

- Acknowledged there is no one like the Sovereign LORD.
- Acknowledged God redeemed people from slavery to be His people.
- Declared God would make a great Name for Himself.
- Acknowledged God became God to those people.
- Called Himself God's servant.
- Asks God to do what lasts forever - an eternal blessing.

Not just the present generation, but all generations.

In the desert of Judah.
- a wilderness
David calls to the greatest authority.
Acknowledges Him as the one who rules in his life.
Declares he will look no where else.

vs 1
He is concerned for his soul.

David's response
- God's love is completely satisfying.
- Words and raised hands.
- As long as he has breath.
- Exalt God's Holy Name

vs 5

Not strictly emotional and physical needs.

David's Confession
- Reminding himself
- The things of God
- The things God has done
- The characteristics of God.

vs 7

The battle isn't against David, but against God.

David's conclusion
- The King will rejoice in God.
- All who swear to tell the truth will praise Him
- Liars will be silenced.

Psalm 24
The God to Whom David Prayed

Acts 13:22
A man after His own heart.

Who is this God to whom David prayed?
- Delights in His Creation.
vs 1, 2
- Delights in those who live in their true God-given identities.
vs 3 - 6
vs 3
Mountains - a metaphor - a special place to meet God.
- Take a breath, stop, reflect, ponder
- Delights in prayers of declaration

2 Samuel 6:13 - 15

Open you ancient gates.
vs 7 - 10

philippians 2, matthew 19, philippians 4, philippians, gospel of matthew, philippians 3, church, hebrews 10, psalm 63, psalm 24

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