1 Chronicles 21:18 - 26
Ephesians 2:8 - 10
1 Peter 3:18
Philippians 1:1 - 11
Romans 12:1 - 8
Sacrifice means different things to different people
An act that allows us to draw closer to God.
Jesus has already done it! It has been done.
How to react to God's mercy?
Allow the mercy to shape how we think and live each day.
Philippi - a major military base and home to many retired soldiers.
Living Sacrifce
A prayer
vs 1 Servants of Jesus
Paul's attitude in prayer
- Thankful
- Joyful
- Confident in God's work
- A richness of God's Grace.
vs 7
The rich experience of God's Grace
They had it together.
A double positive
Paul's prayer for the Philippians
- Love abounding
- Knowledge and depth of insight
- Pure and blameless lives
- Intrisically bonded with Jesus Christ
- Looking forward to Jesus' Return
- So that God would be praised and glorified.