Troubles of Ronisaka - Part 1

Jan 26, 2024 17:25

Doctor Who - Troubles of Ronisaka
The TARDIS materialised on a coral outcrop.

“The TARDIS is underwater?” Clara Oswald asked as she looked at the console.

“Yes. We’re on Neohonshu, a planet colonised mostly by the Japanese. 95% of it is covered in oceans,” the Doctor answered.

“That’s why we’re underwater,” Clara realised. “But how are we going to get anywhere?”

“You think the TARDIS wouldn’t be equipped for such a situation?

Clara looked at herself in the mirror. She had to admit, the sub suit looked stylish. ‘I guess this is something the Doctor came across rather than something the Time Lords came up with,’ she thought as she made a final touch. She tied her hair up in two buns above her ears, completing the Nihon-derived style. Wait, had the Doctor been to Neohonshu before? She had earlier asked about the collapsible helmet. “Collapsible helmets are cool,” he had said. Sure, they’re cool, but she was sure that something could go wrong too.

Entering the Console Room, the Doctor saw that Clara was already there, waiting pensively at the door. He had to admit, the combination of suit and hairstyle suited her. She seemed to have a sense for what would look the most pretty. He dismissed that line of thought. “One thing,” Clara said.


“There don’t seem to be air tanks.”

The Doctor placed his right hand on her shoulder, causing her to give a small smile. “Artificial gills. They extract breathable oxygen from the water,” he explained.

“And the Carbon Dioxide?”

“Extracted from the helmet and dissolved into the water. Nothing will go wrong,” he reassured. He clicked his fingers in his left hand, and the door opened, with the water not entering the TARDIS. “Ready?”

“Yes,” Clara answered. She pressed the button, raising the helmet. The Doctor took his hand off her shoulder and raised his own helmet. He then took her hand.


Clara wasn’t really ready for the Doctor to jump out of the TARDIS into the water, but she recovered quickly enough to follow him smoothly. She clicked her fingers, closing the TARDIS doors. She looked forwards and below, and saw a small submarine town on the edge of the atoll. She and the Doctor swam towards it.

The town was busier than expected, and unusual, with sea life all around. It seemed that every building had kelp gardens around them and on their roofs. The Doctor and Clara soon came to the town square…

“Where do we go first?” the Doctor asked.

Clara looked around, and soon saw a particularly colourful building surrounded by pink anemones. “That one,” she said.

“Good Choice.”

The Doctor and Clara emerged from the airlock into what seemed to be a mix between a Karaoke Bar and a Tea House. The place was fairly busy with at least two people on the Karaoke stage singing a song Clara was unfamiliar with. The style of the music seemed to be some kind of Rock. “Interesting music,” she said.

“Neohonshu Rock,” the Doctor said. “Let’s get some tea, and then see if something is happening.”

“Sure,” Clara said.

As soon as the tea arrived (delivered by a Geisha) some trouble occurred. The airlock opened, and a group of young men armed with sheathed katanas emerged. There was an increase of tension in the room. ‘Uh oh!’ The Doctor commented.

Clara thanked the Geisha, and took a sip from the tea before looking in the direction of the young men. She knew something was up. She looked to the Doctor. “Something going to happen?” she asked.

“Almost certainly,” the Doctor answered.

The leader of the group walked over to the Karaoke stage and took one of the microphones from one of the two who there there. “Hey!”

“Attention!” The leader said.

“What’s happening?” Clara asked.

“I don’t know,” the Doctor answered.

The whole room quietened. It was obvious that the group’s reputation preceded them. “I am Kamasagi Eli,” the leader said.

There was a stifled gasp somewhere in the room.

But Kamasagi continued as if he hadn’t been interrupted. “You know that I have opposed the changes that the Government have introduced in the past year, that have reduced our freedoms that we’ve enjoyed since this planet was first inhabited. I have issued an ultimatum. I will hold a place hostage until the Security Act is amended!”

Clara didn’t like that at all, and she could tell that the Doctor didn’t either. There was another gasp around the room. But no one stood up for a minute. Then the geisha who had served Clara and the Doctor earlier spoke up. “You have no right to do this!”

“I knew you would say that,” Kamasagi said. He drew his katana…

The geisha responded by drawing a katana from beneath one of the tables. “And I knew you would do that,” she said.

‘We need to look into what the situation actually is,’ Clara thought.

The Doctor grabbed his sonic screwdriver and ducked beneath the table. Clara followed him. “We have to do something,” he said.

“I agree,” Clara whispered. “But what?”

“The Geisha’s out numbered,” the Doctor said.

“There’s another katana here,” Clara suggested.

“You think I would be only one armed?” Kamasagi taunted.

“Of course not,” the geisha said. Another armed geisha emerged from the kitchen.

“You’re still outnumbered,” Kamasagi said.

“And if either of us grab this katana, the numbers would still be against the geishas,” the Doctor whispered.

“I’m willing to take the risk,” Clara said.

“Of course you are,” the Doctor groused as Clara grabbed the katana.

The Doctor peeked out from beneath the table as Clara stood up and went over to the two armed geishas. ‘It should be me doing that!’ he thought. Maybe there were katanas beneath every table. How prepared were they?

“Thanks for the help,” the first Geisha said to Clara as she stood next to her.

“You’re welcome.”

“Still not enough people,” Kamasagi said with a smirk.

“Oh yeah?” Clara said. “This can be resolved peacefully.”

“Impossible!” Kamasagi status.

“That’s me. The Impossible Girl!” Clara said as a threat.

“Really?” the Doctor asked from beneath one of the other tables. He scrambled from beneath it with another katana.

Kamasagi laughed.

“What?” the Doctor asked.

“We can defeat four people!” Kamasagi said.

“Really?” the Doctor asked.

“You don’t need to be involved,” the first Geisha stated.

“We need their help,” the second said.

“One question,” the Doctor said the Geishas.

“What?” the second geisha asked.

“Not a good idea…” Clara began to say, before she was interrupted.

“Can you fight in the dark?” the Doctor asked as he raised the sonic screwdriver.

“Yes,” the first geisha answered.

The Doctor then pressed the button and the lights went out, leaving the room illuminated only by the screens on the Karaoke stage…

Clara already knew that Time Lord eyes could see more than human eyes, so she knew the Doctor wouldn’t have much trouble. She listened carefully forwards, where Kamasagi and his cohorts were. They may have been stealthy, but they weren’t silent.

Suddenly, there was another source of light. Emergency lighting lit up the tables in a slight red glow. The Doctor could see better, and knew with a glace that it was enough light for Clara too, as well as the geishas.

Within a few seconds they were engaged in battle, with the Doctor, Clara and the geishas surrounded by Kamasagi and his cohorts. They had each other’s backs.

Megumi didn’t know what to expect when the two Euro strangers offered to help against Kamasagi and his followers. But so far, they seemed to be as skilful as her and Mariko. She parried a strike from Kamasagi.

“We are taking this place!” he said.

“No,” Megumi said, forcing him back.

“This is but a temporary setback,” Kamasagi retorted.

“No doubt of that,” Clara said.

“Clara!” the Doctor objected.

“We’ll have to investigate further,” she said.

“Oh, you’re good,” Kamasagi said with sarcasm.

Clara just responded with a glare.

“Of course,” the Doctor said. “But there is something else you should be aware of,” the Doctor said as he parried a blow.

“What’s that?” Kamasagi said as he locked blades with Mariko.

“You have underestimated me,” the Doctor said. He brandished his ‘sonic’ device again and pointed it in the direction of the Karaoke stage.

“Something that makes noise that interfaces with computers. It’s no match for a someone skilled in the Samurai arts!”

“And you are no match for someone like me,” the Doctor retorted.

“Really?” Kamasagi asked with a smirk.

“Yes!” the Doctor said as he pressed the button on his device.

Clara knew what was going to happen, and dropped the katana as soon as she heard the sonic, and covered her ears as the Karaoke stage blared out discordant noise at high volume. The Geishas also did the same. It certainly wiped the arrogant smirk off Kamasagi’s face.


“Leave!” Clara directed.

“Do you think that you can just come in here and get involved?” Kamasagi asked.

“Yes,” the Doctor answered.

“That’s our MO,” Clara added. “Help those who need help.”

“Be ready!” Kamasagi said, as he moved towards Clara.

“No!” the Doctor said. But even so, Clara found herself fighting Kamasagi.

“You’re not as well trained as I am,” Kamasagi taunted.

Clara moved back as she parried another strike. “Maybe. But I don’t have to be to prevail.”
Kamasagi laughed. “You’re delusional,” he said. He was then surprised by the Doctor joining Clara.

“Can you go up against two?”

“Of course, I can!”

The Doctor glanced at her and then they both pressed their attack. “Careful, Clara,” he said.

Clara smirked, but said nothing as she dodged a side swipe.

“You’re good,” Kamasagi said.

“There’s something else…” the Doctor began.

“And what is that?” Kamasagi asked.

“You’ve underestimated me,” the Doctor answered.


The Doctor gave Clara a look.

She nodded. I’m ready.

“I always think ahead,” he said. He also nodded to one of the geisha’s who was moving behind Kamasagi. Kamasagi lunged at Clara, who avoided the ensuing strike with a smooth motion. The Doctor made his move, causing Kamasagi to drop his katana, which was picked up by the geisha.

“You think you’ve won?” Kamasagi asked.

“This battle, yes,” the Doctor said. “But I will find out what you’re up to.”

“Doctor,” Clara said.

“His associates? I wouldn’t worry about them,” the Doctor said.

Some of the other patrons tackled Kamasagi’s associates from behind.

“Got you!” Clara added.

“What!” Kamasagi cried as he turned around to see that his associates were captured.

“Leave now!” the Doctor said.

“You haven’t heard the last of me!” Kamasagi said as he headed out.

Clara was annoyed. “You just let him go?” she asked the Doctor.

“Of course not. He’ll find that the authorities have been notified. He won’t get far,” the Doctor answered.
“Of course.”

The Doctor knew that the situation he had just diffused was only a part of the issues in this particular community, so he knew he had to stay and he was sure that Clara wouldn’t want to leave just yet. He turned to one of the geishas. “We have just arrived here. I would like to know what has been going on.”

“Sure, but first, some cleanup is needed. Basic information is on the public network,” she said.

“Sure,” the Doctor responded. “Clara…” he started, as he turned towards her.

She interrupted. “I’ll help with the clean-up; you can look up the information.” She gave a him a playful slap and turned away.

She had her own plans, he could see. He quickly found a terminal.

“Clara,” the Euro girl said, introducing herself.

“Mariko,” she said. “Thanks for the help. If you hadn’t been here, I don’t know what would have happened.”

“You seem to have been rather prepared.”

“But with just the two of us on, Kamasagi would have got his way.”

“So, there are usually more on?” Clara asked as she picked up more of the damaged furniture.

Mariko nodded. “Yes. Usually six.”

“Maybe he knew this,” Clara stated.

That made a lot of sense. “But how would he have known?” she asked rhetorically.

The Doctor accessed the Public Network. ‘Now, he mentioned a Security Act and changes the Government has introduced over the past year’ he thought.

He quickly found some information, but he didn’t see evidence of a society that was changing from a democracy to any form of authoritarian governance. There were reforms in the face of pressure from their neighbours, including a few with which relations were either strained or hostile. It appeared to him that Kamasagi had objected to the reforms and began his movement with the aim to stop them by any means necessary. ‘Of course, the geishas may have a different opinion on the situation.’ And he had only skimmed the surface.
He looked back to where Clara was talking to one of the geishas. “Maybe she’s having better luck,” he said before turning back to the terminal. He loaded another article from a different news source.

Clara had thought on what Mariko had asked. How could Kamasagi had known the café was understaffed? The only conclusion she came to was that there was someone on the inside. One of those who weren’t at work perhaps? She decided that she would share those suspicions with the Doctor.

The Doctor had found more information (including Kamasagi’s manifesto), but all that did was reinforce the information he had found at first glance. There was more going on. It seemed that something was stoking the tensions with those hostile neighbours. ‘But for what purpose?’

Soon, the mess was cleaned up. Mariko introduced Megumi to Clara. “So, how long as it been going on?” Clara asked.

“Just over a year,” Megumi answered. “But today marked an escalation.”

“But how much of one?” the male stranger asked.

“This is the Doctor,” Clara said.

“Doctor who?” Mariko asked.

“Just, the Doctor.”

“That’s what he goes by, just run with it,” Clara added.

“Sure,” Mariko said, even though she wasn’t sure. ‘There’s something strange about him…’ she pondered.

“He had been threatening to do something drastic for months,” Megumi resumed, answering the Doctor’s question.

“So, something else must be in the works…” the Doctor said.

“There would be a response to what happened,” Clara said.

“It’s unlikely to come today,” Megumi said.

“You never know,” the Doctor said. “In any case, we need to find a place to stay.”

“We just arrived today,” Clara added.

“The Drowned Raccoon is a good motel,” Mariko said.

“You say that because your brother runs it,” Megumi interjected.

“Maybe…” Mariko said. ‘She still has a bug in her hair about that?’

The Doctor and Clara emerged from the café to find the Police subs departing. “Something is still bothering me…” the Doctor said.

“You think Kamasagi has a plan to escape custody?”

“We’ll keep an eye on the News,” Clara decided.

The Drowned Racoon was only a short distance down the street. It was small but there were at least two vacant rooms (something Clara insisted upon). “How long do you want to stay?” the man behind the counter (who Clara was sure was Mariko’s brother) asked.

Clara wasn’t sure. “Four days,” she decided.

“Shouldn’t take that long,” the Doctor objected.

“It might take longer than usual,” Clara argued.

“Four days it is then,” the Doctor conceded.

“Very good,” he handed them two keys. “Rooms Six and Seven.”

“Thanks,” Clara said with a bow.

They quickly found the rooms. Clara looked at a directory and found that there was a common room nearby. She went and knocked on the Doctor’s door.

“Clara?” he asked as he opened it.

“There is a place where we can talk about what we have found out so far.”


“Let’s go.”

They entered the common room. “So, what did we find?” Clara asked.

“You can start,” the Doctor prompted.

“Sure,” Clara began. “One. The Café was understaffed. Mariko said there are usually six on.”

“She’s one of the Geisha’s, right?”

“Yes, her brother runs this hotel.”

“I thought he looked familiar,” the Doctor commented.

“And Mariko also said that today was an escalation on Kamasagi’s part.”

“Interesting,” the Doctor considered.

“Like, he hadn’t done anything like this yet,” Clara added.

“So, what else is he likely to do?”

Mariko was wondering the same thing as she left work. The brief take over had shaken her. She wondered if it would happen again. She hoped not! She swam over to her sub. She looked it over, uncertain if Kamasagi might have done something to it. It looked untouched. She looked over it again before entering through the main hatch.

Clara entered the Dining Room, uncertain whether the Doctor was there before her. She looked around and saw that he wasn’t. She hoped he wouldn’t be long.

She didn’t have to wait long before he walked through the door. “Sorry I’m late,” he said. “I was checking something.”

“That’s OK.”

“Kamasagi is making more demands.”

“No doubt about that,” Clara said.

“I’m certain there would be another escalation.”

Clara nodded. “We need to be ready.”

“Then we need a plan.”

“I know you will be making it up as you go along.”

“Maybe,” the Doctor considered. “But I can plan.”

“I haven’t seen it work out well.”

After Dinner, Clara looked up more information on the situation on the planet. All she could see was her earlier conclusion. She sighed.

The next day
The Doctor was first to the Common Room. ‘Of course, Clara is still asleep,’ he thought. It would still be a couple hours. He took the time to look through the planet’s network for more information.

Clara was ready to face another day on the planet and to try to figure out what was going on. After getting dressed in a similar style as the previous day, she joined the Doctor for breakfast in the Common Room. “So, what is the plan?” she asked once she had got her breakfast.

“I still haven’t got much of a plan,” the Doctor admitted.

That wasn’t surprising to Clara. “Of course not. But, maybe we could go to the café again, see if there is more staff on.”

“That’s a great idea,” the Doctor said with a smile.

eleventh doctor, fanfic, clara oswald, doctor who

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