Church notes - November 2023

Nov 26, 2023 16:21

1 Peter 3:18
1 Corinthians 11:25 - 29

Mark 2:1 - 12

A deep theological truth.

The story actually happened. It's not a parable!

The friends were determined that Jesus heal their friend.

vs 6 - 7
Between Jesus and the teachers of the Law
It was true that only God can forgive sins.
They saw Jesus as a threat.
Jesus forgiving the man's sins didn't fit their theology.
They became offended and angry that Jesus was doing what He was doing.
Their hearts were hard.

God is at work in all circumstances of our lives, no matter how difficult they are. We need to remain humble and listen to what God wants to say.

Psalm 139:1 - 4

Jesus knew what they thought! But they still didn't believe that He was who He said He was.

He knows our thought. He knows where we struggle, and the reasons for them. This can be a comfort.

vs 9
It is different. Forgiveness of sins is internal, but healing is obvious.

vs 11
Healing occurs, providing proof of what Jesus was saying about Himself.

Who is this man called Jesus?

Jesus is:
- God who walked this Earth and revealed to us what God is like.
- God who welcomes those who seek Him in faith.
- God who heals, delivers and forgives.
- God who knows us intimately.
- Our model for ministry to others.

What is God talking to you about this week?

How may you serve Him?

The Authority of Jesus
Matthew 8:5 - 13

Matthew 7:26, 27
Jesus' teaching had authority whereas that of the teachers of the Law did not.

What did His authority look like?

(Look at the miracles in the rest of Chapter 8 and Chapter 9)

The Centurion had authority, but not over the servant's illness.
He had faith that Jesus had the authority to heal.

Jesus' response.
vs 7

James 5:13 - 20
Christian communities have the responsibility to pray for those who are sick.

Centurions were the face of Roman authority. They were responsibile for law and order in the communities they were stationed in. Therefore Jews saw them as the enemy.
vs 8 - 9
The Centurion got authority. That Jesus' authority was linked to the spoken word.

Genesis 1
The world was spoken into being.

John 1:1, 2

vs 10 - 13

Isaiah 25:6 - 8

Faith and humility, like the Centurion. He would be at the Feat, wheras the teachers of the Law wouldn't.

vs 17
Go! Continue living in your faith.

A call to respond.

We need to be prepared to answer.

To repent.
To take up our cross and follow Him.
To imitate him.

Salvation is by faith alone.

Psalm 21

Luke 8:40 - 56
What can we really trust
Jairus was desperate. Jesus was the only one who could help his dying daughter.
Jesus is the true source of comfort and help.

Pray every day.

1. Jairus' faith was in Jesus alone.

vs 42 - 48
The two stories are connected. Jairus' daughter was 12 years old. The woman had suffered for 12 years. Both were desparate. Jesus called the woman 'daughter'. All Jairus need to do was trust Jesus. The woman had faith that just touching Jesus' garment would be enough for healing to take place, and it was so. Jesus encouraged both of them in their faith.
He is the One who sustains our faith. He provides encouragement for our faith.

What can we learn from Jairus' faith?

2. His faith needed encouragement.

vs 51 - 56
Jairus found out that trusting Jesus as worthwhile.

Jesus doesn't lie. He will fulfill his word.

What are we trusting Jesus for?

3. His faith was worthwhile.

Jesus is worthy of all our trust!

Luke 8:42 - 48
Cured and Healed

Context - Jarius was leading Jesus to his dying daughter amidst a time when Jesus was healing a lot of other people/
vs 45
Unclean woman.
The woman had no access to the Temple and was cut off from society.
Why did Israel have such rigid purity laws?

Leviticus 15:25 - 33

vs 44
She needed the cover of the crowd. She would not have got any where near Jesus otherwise.
One moment mattered.

It matters
- Denied
- Dismissed.

- Risky
- Deliberate
- Necessary
(Otherwise, what proof would there be of her healing? Or she would have thought it a coincidence.)

vs 47, 48

- She was sick
- She reached out and touched Jesus
- She was healed by faith
- She was then at peace

- We are to reach out to Jesus and confess our sins.
- Accept His forgiveness and remember that we are forgiven and thank Him for it.

matthew 9, gospel of mark, luke 8, mark 2, gospel of luke, gospel of matthew, church

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