Church notes - June, July 2023

Jul 30, 2023 15:45

Church notes - June 2023
1 Corinthians 11:17 -23

Luke 11:1 - 4

Many are unsure how to pray.

The Lord's Prayer

Matthew 6:9 - 13
vs 9
The Father's character
vs 10
The Father's Kingdom
vs 11
The Father's Provision
- The needs someone may have.
vs 12
The Father's Forgiveness
- Forgiveness can be hard.
- To allow someone to forgive.
vs 13
The Father's Guidance.
The Father's Protection
- The Devil's endgame is to drag as many people away from God as possible.

Exodus 11:1 - 12:12

What is the judgement of God like?
- It is just
vs 1

Exodus 3
A considered and measured judgement.

vs 4, 5

Israel as God's first born son. He was judging Egypt for enslaving them.

It is dreadful.

It is a reminder of how serious Sin is.

It is merciful.
12:1 - 12

It points the way to Jesus on the Cross. He is our Passover Lamb.
God Himself has faced his own judgement for us, so that we don't have to face it.
We need to remember this mercy.

Come to the table
Luke 22:14 - 16

Aliens and Strangers
Everything else will end, but Jesus and His Kingdom will continue.

The right assignment
Fellowship - learning to grow together.

1 Corinthians 3:5 - 9
Paul and Apollos were a team working together for God's purpose.
The task of every Christian
- To build the team
- To commit ourselves to the task,

Nehemiah 3

4 kilometers of wall to be constructed and up to 10 gates to be put into place.
Nehemiah 1:3 - 5

Nehemiah motivated the people.
Divide the project into manageable sections.

Capitalise on Personal Interest
Appreciate/recognise accomplishments

Ephesians 4:11 - 13

'But to the people of God I ask on the authority of the New Testament, have you forgotten who you are? You are a minister of Jesus Christ, a holy priest and ambassasor for Christ, an agent of reconciliation in the world.'

John 17:9 - 19
The Lord's Prayer
Jesus was praying for us.
What He had already given.
vs 12
His protection.
vs 13
Filled us with His joy.
vs 14
Given us God's word.

Grace is recieved by faith.

What He asked for.
vs 14

vs 16
'Make them holy'
vs 17
Teaching in the truth.

Ezekiel 37
Raising up a vast army to send into the world.

Desperate times. Desperate Prayer.

vs 19
Jesus gave himself. His blood was shed on the Cross for us.

Romans 12:1 - 8

Romans 3:23
Romans 6:23
The gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 10:9, 13

vs 1
Paul urges us.
God's mercy requires a response.
Our sins are dealt with.
'This text speaks to those who neglect or withold this sacrifice, this service, and reproaches them as unreasonable, unapproachable, indefensible, disobedient...'

vs 2
Moulds of the World.
A sense of selfishness. Focus on what one wants, on consumerism...

You can no longer follow the practices of this world.
We need to be teachable.

Come together as a community.
Relationships amongst God's people are crucial.

vs 3
If we are going to build meaningful relationships we must know ourselves.

vs 4 - 6
We are all different.
Diversity is God given.
We are dependent on each other.

1 Peter 4:10

Ephesians 1:1 - 7

Ephesians 2:1 - 10
Acts 2:42 - 47

What is your purpose?
God has a purpose for all of us.
We are here for His purposes.
It is not about you!
Start with God!

Why are we here? What is my purpose?

Jeremiah 20:18

The purpose of life is greater than your fulfillment.
We are made to have a relationship with God.

Does my life have purpose.

2 Corinthians 5:1

Ephesians 2:1 - 10
vs 1
Spiritual deadness - transgressions and sin.
vs 2
Following Satan
vs 3
Self indulgent
Under divine judgement and righteous anger.

Results of rescue
vs 4
His great Love
His richness of mercy
vs 5
The miracle of new birth

- Favour
- Not a reward for good behaviour.

vs 10

Jesus is the purpose of our life.

Matthew 22:36 - 40
Matthew 28: 19, 20

Worship God
Demonstrate God's Love

Acts 2:42 - 47

Exodus 12:21 - 23

Matthew 22:36 - 50
Matthew 28:19, 20

Demonstrate God's love

To Worship God
A reset. It resets our focus to be on Him.

Psalm 116

Psalm 73
vs 2
Bad people appearing to prosper

vs 11
People mocking God and seeming to do well despite their warped worldview.

vs 17
Entering the sanctuary of God.
Their focus is off their preoccupations and on God.
A new reality.

vs 18
The other people are on slippery ground.

We need to be on a stable ground.

Things can change in an instant.

Worshipping God and seeing His love and mercy in our lives
God is worthy of being worshipped.

Selfishness is a barrier to worship.

1. Worship is my response to God's love.
He sent His Son to die for us.
2. Worship is giving back to God.
3. Worship expressing affection to God.
Hosea 6
Exodus 34:
God is passionate about His relationship to us.
Romans 6:13
4. Worship is using my activities for God.
Colossians 5:35
Romans 12:1

Turn every aspect of your lives over to God.

Psalm 25
Hebrews 12:1 - 4
Romans 10:14, 15

Matthew 5:13 - 16
Genesis 2:8 - 17

- Self discipline
- Who we are

Jesus talked about the hypocracy and duplicity of the Pharisees.

How's your integrity?

Grace is giving people what they don't deserve.
Mercy is not giving people what they deserve.

The tree of the knowledge of good and evil
The tree of life.

Matthew 6:9 - 13


Psalm 133:1
Genesis 1:1, 2
John 1:1 - 3

All of the Trinity were involved in Creation.

Luke 3:21, 22
The Trinity is there. Three in one.
He is a community.

Genesis 2:15 - 25
Ephesians 2

The Cross - reconciliation with God and each other.

Matthew 22:36 - 40
John 17:11 - 19

Ecclesiastes 4:8 - 12
vs 10
There are times when we need the help of others.
vs 11
When you live in Community you need warmth
vs 12
When you live in community you will find protection.

Proverbs 17:27

Friends can support each other.

Galatians 6:2
1 Thessalonians 5:11

romans 12, ephesians, exodus 11, genesis 2, ecclesiastes, john 17, matthew 22, ecclesiastes 4, gospel of john, gospel of matthew, church, matthew 6, ephesians 2, nehemiah 3

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