1 John 4
Peace and tolerance?
We believe in truth!
Your life depends upon the truth!
There is a massive difference between Christianity and other religions.
vs 1
vs 10
Jesus was the sacrifice.
God is a just God.
But we have sinned, rebelled against God.
Punishment - Death. Jesus has died in our place!
vs 14, 15
The Son of God.
John 3:16
Jesus is Special. He is Divine. He pre-existed His birth. He did not sin.
The Trinity.
Jesus is the Messiah.
Fully Human. He was tempted and suffered like us.
Hebrews 4:14 - 16
vs 2
The essential things.
vs 3
John 3:16 - 18
If you don't believe, you will be judged.
vs 7 - 9
1 Corinthians 13:4 - 8
Mark 5
Jesus healed a variety of people. Our love should be characterised in a similar manner.
vs 16, 17
We have put our trust in God.